The Minister of Health, , has charged the Black Stars and players of the premier league to lend their support to the campaign against malaria in the country.
A Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság balkanizációja: a nyelvek tobzódása
Minden nappal egyre nyilvánvalóbb, hogy a Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság a balkanizálódás útjára lépett. A külföldi prominens személyek legutóbbi nyilatkozatai kihangsúlyozzák, hogy nem blöffről, hanem egy, a KDK feldarabolására…
Ghána kiérdemelte a Világbajnokságon való részvételt
Ghána az első afrikai ország, amely bejutott a VB-re, miután Accrában 2-0-ra megverte Szudánt.
British Govt Locking Up African Children
Hundreds of young African children, many of whom are under five years old, are being locked up by the British government because of legal battles over whether or…
Countries Take Up Laws to Fight Spread of Small Arms
Countries from the Great Lakes region and Horn of Africa are to harmonize their laws to fight the proliferation of small arms and light weapons.
Ghana earn World Cup berth
Ghana became the first African nation to qualify for the World Cup after a convincing 2-0 victory over Sudan in Accra.
Escaping the Somalian desert
Desert Flower, which has premiered at the Venice Film Festival, tells the incredible journey of Waris Dirie, the model-turned-campaigner against female genital mutilation.
Gabon 0-2 Cameroon: The Indomitable Lions Are Back In Business
Cameroon are back in the running for a place in South Africa after earning their first win in World Cup qualifying in Libreville against group leaders Gabon.
Suicide brings minister to tears
The suicide note of a man who hanged himself after being refused an ID document brought Home Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma to tears yesterday. "What makes me unhappy…
Gabon Election Result Sparks Turbulence
The pronouncement of Ali Bongo as winner of the presidential elections in Gabon has not gone down well with opposition supporters, throwing the country into turbulence.