EU to Give Billions to Fight Climate Change

EU to Give Billions to Fight Climate Change

BRUSSELS — The European Union could award up to €15 billion ($21.8 billion) a year by 2020 to finance the fight against climate change in developing countries, setting…

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Életet adni a kongói háborús övezetben

Életet adni a kongói háborús övezetben

Grace Kodindo csádi megfigyelő szerint a háborús övezetekben a legfőbb prioritás a reproduktív egészségügyi ellátás. Claudine Maombi két nagy kihívással egyszerre néz szembe: amellett, hogy anya, a Kongói…

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Elengedték a nadrágot viselő szudáni nőt

Elengedték a nadrágot viselő szudáni nőt

Egy szudáni származású újságírónő egy hónap börtönbüntetést kapott, mert nem volt megfelelő az öltözködése, mivel nadrágot viselt. A nőt végül egy nap után elengedték. Ms Hussein a történéseket…

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End sanctions against Zimbabwe – SADC

End sanctions against Zimbabwe – SADC

Southern African leaders have urged the international community to end sanctions on Zimbabwe. The call came after a regional summit meeting on Tuesday. SADC said Zimbabwe had made…

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Southern African leaders reject Madagascar government

Southern African leaders reject Madagascar government

Madagascar's Prime Minister Monja Roindefo named a new government on Tuesday but Southern African leaders and the opposition refused to recognize it on the grounds it flouted a…

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Illegal Immigrant from Eritrea Wins Swedish Lottery Jackpot

Illegal Immigrant from Eritrea Wins Swedish Lottery Jackpot

An Eritrean national, 28-year-old Tes faldet Tes loy who has been liv ing in Swe den as an ille gal immi grant has scored a big win with…

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SADC Leaders Open Summit in Kinshasa

SADC Leaders Open Summit in Kinshasa

Leaders from 15 southern African nations have opened two days of discussions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Political confrontations in Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Lesotho and eastern Congo are…

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SADC to hold special summit on Zimbabwe

SADC to hold special summit on Zimbabwe

Southern African Development Community (SADC) heads of state meeting in Kinshasa have proposed to hold another summit for Zimbabwe. This comes after Zimbabwe's PM Tsvangirai requested SADC to…

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Land Grabs in Ghana Force Hundreds Off Farms

Land Grabs in Ghana Force Hundreds Off Farms

Dozens of farmers in northern Ghana claim they have been forced off their land with no alternative source of income after a multinational firm bought their farms to…

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Nigeria to hold big ICT exhibition

Nigeria to hold big ICT exhibition

Talks to hold the 2009 Communication and Business Information and Technology (ComBIT) Africa Exhibition in Nigeria have concluded smoothly among the Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria (ATCON)…

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