Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe on Saturday met the visiting EU troika delegation at State House in Harare, ZBC News reported.
Egyre csak nő a kenyaiak reménye a selejtezők során
Sokan örültek a kenyai születésű Yusuf Saad Kamel győzelmének, amelyet a berlini világbajnokságon az 1500 méteres síkfutás számban ért el, azonban Kelet-Afrikában sok embert nyugtalanít a sportolók hiánya.
Blair dons day-glo suit for oil rig visit
Tony Blair looked a little embarrassed today, after he was asked to don a florescent yellow survival suit during his visit to a North Sea oil platform. His…
Nigéria katonai motorcsónakokat vásárol Izraeltől
Az Israel Shipyards (Izraeli Hajógyár) és a nigériai védelmi minisztérium egy 25 millió dolláros megállapodást kötött 2 Shaldag motorcsónak gyártásáról és szállításáról – adta hírül a Haaretz című…
Bernard Parker
Bernard Parker has scored seven goals for the South African national team and this youngster could go on to be a great striker for Bafana for many years…
Kenyans raise defector concerns
Bahrain basked in the glory of Kenyan-born Yusuf Saad Kamel's victory over 1,500 metres at the Berlin World Championships last month but back in East Africa the subject…
Africa: Continent Can Beat Poverty, Says Equity Chairman
Poverty in Africa is not a permanent condition as it can banished by commitment and visionary leadership, a bank chairman has said. "The seemingly endless cycle of poverty…
Nigeria Buys Military Patrol Boats From Israel
A deal worth $25 million has been concluded between Israel Shipyards and the Nigerian defense ministry for the manufacture and delivery of two Shaldag patrol boats, an Israeli…
4 illegal migrants killed on Egyptian-Israeli borders
Egyptian police shot and killed four African migrants as they tried to enter Israel illegally on Tuesday night, a security source reported on Wednesday.
Here comes another crisis “but different”
Former Federal Reserve Chairman U.S., Alan Greenspan, expect a new financial crisis, but “different nature”. Known as one of those responsible for the current crisis, given the defense…