Tunézia példaként állhat a feltörekvő gazdaságok előtt

Tunézia példaként állhat a feltörekvő gazdaságok előtt

Tunézia támogatást nyújt a gazdasági válság miatt nehéz helyzetbe került vállatoknak - jelentette be Mohamed Ghannouchi, Tunézia miniszterelnöke. Tunézia GDP-jének 0,6 %-át folyósította erre a célra.

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Food crisis: Katine residents still suffering from shortages

Food crisis: Katine residents still suffering from shortages

The rains have come in Katine, but it is too soon for the most vulnerable groups - women, children or the elderly – to breathe a sigh of…

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Gaddafi speaks for more than an hour at general assembly

Gaddafi speaks for more than an hour at general assembly

It was meant to be a day of global reconciliation, when the new leader of the free world put all the rancour of the past eight years behind…

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Tunisia: model for emerging economies

Tunisia: model for emerging economies

Tunisia had spent around 0.6 percent of its GDP in supporting the companies affected by the global financial crisis, Mr Mohamed Ghannouchi, Tunisia's prime minister, said during Emerging…

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Nigéria követeli, hogy vágják újra a sci-fi mozifilmet

Nigéria követeli, hogy vágják újra a sci-fi mozifilmet

A nyár egyik legnagyobb kasszasikere – az idegenekről és az apartheidról szóló sci-fi – nem igazán népszerű Nigériában, mert a filmben a nigériai embereket bűnözőkként és kannibálokként ábrázolják.

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China apologises to Nigeria over fake drugs

China apologises to Nigeria over fake drugs

China has formally apologised to Nigeria for alleged export of fake drugs including some labelled as ‘Made in India’ by some Chinese firms and assured it that punitive…

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Nigeria wants sci-fi movie re-edited

Nigeria wants sci-fi movie re-edited

One of the summer's biggest blockbusters — a sci-fi morality tale about aliens and apartheid — is not welcome in Nigeria because of its portrayal of Nigerians as…

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Singer Yvonne Chaka Chaka Campaigns Against Malaria

Singer Yvonne Chaka Chaka Campaigns Against Malaria

South African singer and Unicef ambassador Yvonne Chaka Chaka is in New York to help campaign for the voices of Africa's women and children to be heard.

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Migrants Return to Libya to Face Abuse

Migrants Return to Libya to Face Abuse

A new report alleges that Italy forcibly returns African boat migrants and asylum seekers to Libya where they are detained in inhumane conditions and abused.

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Lel turns attentions to big apple

Lel turns attentions to big apple

Martin Lel believes he can achieve his next major task of winning the New York Marathon on November 1, after his brilliant win in Sunday's Bupa Great North…

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