African countries are beginning to get some of the additional aid they need to survive the current global economic downturn. But there is considerable doubt that enough of…
A nigériai hadsereg elismerésben részesítette a Libériában szolgálatot teljesítő békefenntartó erőit
A nigériai hadsereg gratulált annak a 700 katonának, aki most tért vissza libériai békefenntartó missziójából – jelentette a nigériai hírügynökség.
III/ AFRICA: U.S. Peace Corps to Bring New Focus to Food Security
What are the Peace Corps' biggest achievements, and its failures, in Africa over the last five years?
II/ AFRICA: U.S. Peace Corps to Bring New Focus to Food Security
Can you tell us what differences in policy or emphasis the Obama administration will bring to the activities of the Peace Corps?
I/ AFRICA: U.S. Peace Corps to Bring New Focus to Food Security
The Obama administration earlier this year named a former United States Peace Corps volunteer, Aaron S. Williams, as the program's new director. The Peace Corps, which will soon…
Over 20 MN million people need food aid in east Africa: UN
Drought and war in eastern Africa have left more than 20 million people in desperate need of emergency food aid, the United Nations said on Tuesday. "The situation…
Ez a legnagyobb bányatragédia, ami valaha történt Ghánában
Legkevesebb 18 bányász vesztette életét egy ghánai illegális aranybányában, ahol - eddig ismeretlen okból - beomlott az egyik tárna. Az áldozatok között 14 nő van - közölte csütörtökön…
U.S. to Exert More Pressure on Rwanda
The United States Government has vowed to continue pressurizing the International Community to join hands and help uproot insurgents of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda…
Mandela Day made official by UN
The United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday declared July 18 Nelson Mandela International Day to mark the South African anti-apartheid leader's contribution to peace.
Millions of poor across Africa set to suffer deepening food crisis, warns UN report
Despite good global cereal harvests this year, millions of people in dozens of poor countries are in desperate need of emergency humanitarian aid due to stubbornly high food…