Ha lehet hinni az erről szóló híreknek, Kinshasa már kérelmezte az ENSZ-nél hogy az készítsen “kivonulási tervet” a katonai létszám csökkentéséről még 2010. június 30. előtt.
East Africa: Happy Birthday – EAC Marches On Under a New Flag
The East African Community will mark the passing of a decade since its rebirth with a Common Market, a fully-fledged Customs Union - and a regional anthem.
UN Chief Presents Plan to Save Billions From Hunger
A three-day United Nations summit on world food security opened in Rome today, with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warning that on this day alone more than 17,000 children will…
Africa agrees climate demand bill
African leaders meeting in Ethiopia say they have agreed on an amount of money to demand as compensation for the impact of climate change.
Kenya harvest example on reversing food shortage
Joram Abiero remembers it was not too long ago that his neighbors went to bed hungry. Now they and thousands of others in the lowlands of western Kenya…
Africans should promote their culture and shun foreign lifestyles
GNA-Professor George Hagan, Former Chairman of the National Commission on Culture, on Saturday reiterated the need for Africans to promote their culture and not adopt foreign lifestyles that…
World financial crisis and Africa: promises promises
African countries are beginning to get some of the additional aid they need to survive the current global economic downturn. But there is considerable doubt that enough of…
A nigériai hadsereg elismerésben részesítette a Libériában szolgálatot teljesítő békefenntartó erőit
A nigériai hadsereg gratulált annak a 700 katonának, aki most tért vissza libériai békefenntartó missziójából – jelentette a nigériai hírügynökség.
III/ AFRICA: U.S. Peace Corps to Bring New Focus to Food Security
What are the Peace Corps' biggest achievements, and its failures, in Africa over the last five years?
II/ AFRICA: U.S. Peace Corps to Bring New Focus to Food Security
Can you tell us what differences in policy or emphasis the Obama administration will bring to the activities of the Peace Corps?