At Last, Common Market Becomes Reality

At Last, Common Market Becomes Reality

The East African Community officially ushered in a common market on Friday amid renewed commitment by the region's Heads of State to expedite the envisaged political federation by…

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New species of chameleon discovered in Tanzania

New species of chameleon discovered in Tanzania

A team of scientists has discovered a new species of chameleon in Tanzania. Dr Andrew Marshall, from the Environment Department at the University of York, first spotted the…

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Sudan agrees to end use of child soldiers

Sudan agrees to end use of child soldiers

A top United Nations human rights official has welcomed a deal agreed by a former rebel group in southern Sudan to end the use of child soldiers among…

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UN: 1.5 billion people live in darkness

UN: 1.5 billion people live in darkness

New York-US - A new report by the UN has said almost a quarter of the global population, or 1.5 billion people, live without electricity, and that 80…

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Béketeremtés Nigériában európai pénzből

Béketeremtés Nigériában európai pénzből

Az Európai Bizottság és a nigériai kormány egymilliárd dolláros fejlesztési csomagot írtak alá, hogy visszaszorítsák a korrupciót, valamint szorgalmazzák a mielőbbi béke megteremtését. A pénz majdnem harmada a…

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Migrant workers at risk in South Africa

Migrant workers at risk in South Africa

Zimbabwean migrants in search of employment in South Africa are facing persecution at the hands of local people who are blaming them for taking their jobs.

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Angolan President calls on party to end corruption

Angolan President calls on party to end corruption

Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos on Saturday urged his party to implement a zero tolerance policy on government corruption, as Africa's biggest oil producer struggles to improve…

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West Africa Gas pipeline completed

West Africa Gas pipeline completed

The West African offshore gas pipeline from Nigeria to Ghana has been completed but there are few difficulties, Mr Jack Derickson, Managing Director of West African Gas Pipeline…

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A Diarrhea And Pneumonia Are Biggest Child Killers, But World Is Focused On AIDS And Malaria

A Diarrhea And Pneumonia Are Biggest Child Killers, But World Is Focused On AIDS And Malaria

Diarrhea doesn't make headlines. Nor does pneumonia. AIDS and malaria tend to get most of the attention.

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AIDS, malaria eclipse the biggest child-killers

AIDS, malaria eclipse the biggest child-killers

Yet even though cheap tools could prevent and cure both diseases, they kill an estimated 3.5 million kids under 5 each a year globally - more than HIV…

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