The government is seeking donor assistance for the implementation of Phase two evictions of the Mau Forest.
A kongói ENSZ misszió kudarca
A békefenntartó hadműveletek nem tudják megállítani a ruandai lázadókat – olvasható az ENSZ 93 oldalas jelentésében, amely a Biztonsági Tanács számára készült.
HIV Infections Decline Slowly in Sub-Saharan Africa
The rate of new HIV infections has slowly declined in sub-Saharan Africa, but the region remains the area of the world most heavily hit by the epidemic and…
UN Experts Compile Explosive Report on DR Congo
The United Nations Security Council's tenuous authority in Africa has been further threatened by an explosive new report from a UN Group of Experts* showing wide-ranging violations of…
Obama zimbabwei nőknek adott át díjat
A Feltörekvő Zimbabwei Nők (WOZA) nevű csoport vezetőit hétfőn mutatták be a Fehér Házban, ahol az Amerikai Egyesült Államok elnöke, Barack Obama egy fontos emberi jogi díjat adott…
Hague prosecutor accuses Congo warlords
Two Congolese militia leaders commanded forces that raped, killed and looted civilians in an attack that killed 200 people during the Congo war, a war crimes prosecutor said…
Obama Gives Zimbabwean Women Top Award
Leaders of the pressure group, Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA), on Monday took their message of peace to the White House in the United States, where they were…
Tunisia: Syrine Ben Moussa Carries Soft Musical Breeze to Paris
Tunis — "Breeze from Tunisia" (Brises tunisiennes) is the title of Syrine Ben Moussa's forthcoming show which the Tunisian singer will give on December 5, at the Arab…
Dakar to return to Africa?
Dakar rally chief hints at return to Africa, but not to wild west
South Africa: Economy Moves Out of Recession
Cape Town — South Africa's economy turned around in the third quarter of 2009, registering marginal growth, the government's statistics agency reported Wednesday.