Szabadon engedték az ENSZ munkatársait Szudánban

Szabadon engedték az ENSZ munkatársait Szudánban

Az Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezetének két munkatársát – akiket több mint 100 napig fogságban tartottak Darfúrban – végre szabadon engedték, és jól vannak.

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Kidnapped UN workers released in Sudan

Kidnapped UN workers released in Sudan

Two United Nations workers, who had been held hostage in Darfur for more than 100 days, have been freed, apparently in good health.

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Rwanda jails journalist Valerie Bemeriki for genocide

Rwanda jails journalist Valerie Bemeriki for genocide

A Rwandan journalist who encouraged Hutus to slaughter Tutsis during the 1994 genocide has been jailed for life.

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Bush Better Than Obama On Aids in Africa, Say Activists

Bush Better Than Obama On Aids in Africa, Say Activists

Activists are expressing disappointment with President Barack Obama's plans for the Aids treatment programme in Africa, charging that he has fallen short of the achievements of his predecessor,…

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IMF extends $624 million in loans to DR. Congo

IMF extends $624 million in loans to DR. Congo

The IMF announced Friday $624 million in financing to the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo to help support poverty-reduction efforts and promote economic growth.

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Africa Alleges Plan to Sabotage Kyoto Deal

Africa Alleges Plan to Sabotage Kyoto Deal

African negotiators walked out temporarily on Monday, accusing rich nations of ignoring their minimum demands at the Climate change talks in Copenhagen.

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Developing nations walk out of Climate Conference

Developing nations walk out of Climate Conference

Negotiations at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen have been suspended following a walkout of developing countries. They find that support for the Kyoto Protocol, the core emissions-curbing…

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Mugabe: Zimbabwe egységkormánya „rövid életű”

Mugabe: Zimbabwe egységkormánya „rövid életű”

A zimbabwei elnök, Robert Mugabe szombaton elmondta, hogy a jelenlegi egységkormány rövid életű lesz, és úgy tervezi, hogy visszaszerzi az ország irányítását, hiszen korábban közel három évtizeden keresztül…

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Africa’s Population Boom and Children Trapped in Poverty

Africa’s Population Boom and Children Trapped in Poverty

In Africa, childbearing is considered a blessing and in some communities shouts of joy erupt when a new baby arrives. This may be followed by naming ceremony or…

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Medical School Bombing in Somalia Prompts Backlash

Medical School Bombing in Somalia Prompts Backlash

This month's deadly bombing of a medical school's graduation ceremony in Somalia will likely reduce the popularity of the country's main Islamist insurgency, despite the group's denial of…

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