A kongói hadsereg visszaélései miatt az ENSZ visszavonja támogatását

A kongói hadsereg visszaélései miatt az ENSZ visszavonja támogatását

A Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaságban az ENSZ békefenntartó erői felfüggesztették logisztikai, illetve minden más támogatásukat a Nemzeti Fegyveres Erők (FARDC) egységei számára, miután kiderült, hogy emberi jogokat sértettek meg…

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EU supports AU with 30m euros

EU supports AU with 30m euros

The European Union has declared a pledge of 30million Euros to assist the African Union Mission in Somalia, sources said on Tuesday.

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Millions at risk as East Africa rains fail, Oxfam says

Millions at risk as East Africa rains fail, Oxfam says

Aid agency Oxfam warns that a failure of rains across swathes of East Africa is putting millions of lives at risk. This is the sixth successive season of…

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Guinea aide admits shooting junta leader Camara

Guinea aide admits shooting junta leader Camara

A renegade soldier hunted by Guinea's authorities for trying to kill junta leader Capt Moussa Dadis Camara has admitted that he shot his boss.

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Obesity Epidemic Taking Root In Africa

Obesity Epidemic Taking Root In Africa

The urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa are the latest victims of the obesity epidemic. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Public Health claim that overweight and…

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UN Cuts Support for DRC Army Units Over Rights Abuses

UN Cuts Support for DRC Army Units Over Rights Abuses

United Nations peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have suspended logistical or other support for units of the National Armed Forces (FARDC) when there are…

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Southern Africa: Zimbabweans test the definition of refugee

Southern Africa: Zimbabweans test the definition of refugee

The "humanitarian nature" of the mass movement of Zimbabweans to neighboring Southern African countries has blurred the distinction between what is a "refugee" and an "economic migrant", because…

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Saharwi Hunger Striker Intensifies Pressure for Talks

Saharwi Hunger Striker Intensifies Pressure for Talks

U.S. Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, made the following statement about Ms. Aminatou Haidar´s month-long hunger strike in the Canary…

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EU cuts import tariffs in a bid to end

EU cuts import tariffs in a bid to end

The European Union has agreed a deal to cut tariffs on banana imports, signalling the end of the world's longest-running trade dispute.

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Szabadon engedték az ENSZ munkatársait Szudánban

Szabadon engedték az ENSZ munkatársait Szudánban

Az Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezetének két munkatársát – akiket több mint 100 napig fogságban tartottak Darfúrban – végre szabadon engedték, és jól vannak.

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