Védett csimpánzokat fenyeget a láva Kongóban

Védett csimpánzokat fenyeget a láva Kongóban

Kitört Afrika legaktívabb tűzhányója, a Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság keleti részén emelkedő Nyamulagira, és a lávafolyam egy ritka és védett csimpánzfajt fenyeget a Virunga Nemzeti Parkban.

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Egy szudáni katona lelőtt három kenyait Jubában

Egy szudáni katona lelőtt három kenyait Jubában

Dél-Szudán autonóm kormányának elnöke, Salva Kiir parancsot adott a hadbíróságnak, hogy vizsgálják ki annak a katonának az ügyét, aki állítólag lelőtt három kenyait és két másik embert megsebesített…

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Rival Islamists Fight for Town in Somalia

Rival Islamists Fight for Town in Somalia

Shabab rebels, who control most of Somalia with allied Islamist groups, on Saturday attacked a town lost to moderate Islamists about a year ago. It appeared late Saturday…

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DR Congo volcano eruption threatens rare chimpanzees

DR Congo volcano eruption threatens rare chimpanzees

Lava from a volcano in a sparsely populated area of the Democratic Republic of Congo is threatening rare chimpanzees, wildlife officials say.

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Opec ministers gather in Angola

Opec ministers gather in Angola

Members of the oil producers' body Opec are meeting in Angola's capital, Luanda, but analysts expected the group to leave its production quotas unchanged. Tuesday's meeting is the…

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Employment: SA falls terribly short

Employment: SA falls terribly short

HIGH unemployment is a perpetual problem that South Africa has been unable to solve. This year it has become a crisis that threatens to create social instability and…

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African Union Mission Warns on Somalia

African Union Mission Warns on Somalia

The insecurity in Somalia is fast turning into a global issue as Al Qaeda support transforms the once disorganized Al Shabaab insurgents into a "super terrorist group," the…

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Africans call for support to fight world economic crisis

Africans call for support to fight world economic crisis

Participants at a summit of African cities called on developed countries and international institutions to support Africa's efforts to minimize the effects of the world economic crisis, local…

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Madagascar leader Rajoelina names new PM

Madagascar leader Rajoelina names new PM

The leader of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, has appointed an army officer as his new prime minister. The appointment of Col Vital Albert Camille comes just days after Mr…

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Copenhagen: A lesson in geopolitics

Copenhagen: A lesson in geopolitics

After two weeks of international deadlock and an all-night marathon negotiating session that produced a thin and toothless accord, the biggest climate talks in history devolved from "Hopenhagen"…

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