Veszélyben a szudáni békeegyezmény

Veszélyben a szudáni békeegyezmény

A Dél-Szudánban dolgozó segélyszervezetek szövetsége sürgős nemzetközi beavatkozásra hívta fel a figyelmet annak érdekében, hogy megvédjék az ország 2005-ben született békeegyezményét, amit egyre nagyobb veszély fenyeget a növekvő…

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African Union and Challenge of Conflict Management

African Union and Challenge of Conflict Management

Africa is a continent with a number of armed conflicts. United Nations, regional organizations, and a number of non African states have been making frantic efforts to manage…

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Algerian riot police clash with protesting workers

Algerian riot police clash with protesting workers

Algerian riot police attacked workers holding a protest Thursday to demand better wages and benefits, leaving several demonstrators injured. It was the latest sign of growing frustration among…

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Sudan Violence Endangers Peace Deal, Say Agencies

Sudan Violence Endangers Peace Deal, Say Agencies

A coalition of aid agencies working in southern Sudan has called for urgent international action to save the country’s 2005 peace agreement, which it says is threatened by…

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Morocco to invite bids for solar station

Morocco to invite bids for solar station

Morocco will invite bids for construction of its first solar power station at the end of next month as part of a $9 billion solar energy project, its…

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Egyre feszültebbek a diplomáciai kapcsolatok az USA és Nigéria között

Egyre feszültebbek a diplomáciai kapcsolatok az USA és Nigéria között

Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok és Nigéria közötti kétoldalú kapcsolatok romlása annak tudható be, hogy Nigéria felkerült a „terrorista országok” listájára.

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China pledges funds for Kenya infrastructure

China pledges funds for Kenya infrastructure

China says it will give a $7m (£4.4m) grant to help fund infrastructure development projects in Kenya.

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Nigeria: National Assembly Gives USA Seven-Day Ultimatum on Terror List

Nigeria: National Assembly Gives USA Seven-Day Ultimatum on Terror List

The diplomatic relations between Nigeria and the United States appear threatened over the foiled attempt by a Nigerian, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to blow up a Northwest Airlines jet…

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Trial of Ex-DRC Warlord Highlights Plight of Child Soldiers

Trial of Ex-DRC Warlord Highlights Plight of Child Soldiers

The defense in the trial of alleged Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga Dyilo – the first war crimes trial to be conducted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) –…

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Jobless Kenyans admit fighting for al-Shabab

Jobless Kenyans admit fighting for al-Shabab

Two hundred kilometers of desert scrubland populated by nomads herding camels and goats lie between Garissa and Kenya's border with Somalia.

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