Küzdelem a városi szegénységgel Kenyában

Küzdelem a városi szegénységgel Kenyában

Fridah Awour Agolla 20 éve árul zöldségeket Nairobi egyik nyomornegyedében. Jobb időkben minden nap el tudta adni az összes termékét, azonban a piaci helyzet keményebbé vált.

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Feature: Using cotton to alleviate poverty in Northern Ghana

Feature: Using cotton to alleviate poverty in Northern Ghana

Cotton is a major cash crop cultivated in most parts of the globe including Ghana. It is a soft, stable fibre shrub native to tropical and sub-tropical regions…

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Tackling the Crisis of Urban Poverty in Kenya

Tackling the Crisis of Urban Poverty in Kenya

Fridah Awour Agolla has sold vegetables in Nairobi's Mathare slum for 20 years. In better times, her stock sold out every day. But lately market forces have begun…

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Nigerian vice president sends troops to restive city of Jos

Nigerian vice president sends troops to restive city of Jos

Nigerian Vice President Goodluck Jonathan on Tuesday sent troops to the restive city of Jos in Plateau State, days after new clashes between different religions, local media reported.

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Több mint 300 áldozata van a nigériai vallási összecsapásoknak

Több mint 300 áldozata van a nigériai vallási összecsapásoknak

Nigéria belső részén található Jos városa, ahol néhány nap leforgása alatt több mint 300 ember vesztette életét a keresztények és a muszlimok közötti harcok miatt. Jos városában most…

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Senegal proposes African state for Haitians

Senegal proposes African state for Haitians

Senegal's leader proposed the creation of a new African state to resettle Haitians left homeless by an earthquake, comparing the idea to the 1948 birth of the state…

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Randgold Resources to invest $300 mln in Senegal

Randgold Resources to invest $300 mln in Senegal

London-listed gold miner Randgold Resources intends to invest $300 million (R2.3 billion) in its Massawa project in Senegal, the firm's manager in the West African country said on…

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Group: More than 300 dead in Nigeria violence

Group: More than 300 dead in Nigeria violence

Charred bodies with scorched hands reaching skyward lay in the streets and a mosque with blackened minarets smoldered Wednesday after several days of fighting between Christians and Muslims…

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Kongó felajánlotta segítségét Haitinak

Kongó felajánlotta segítségét Haitinak

A Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság 2,5 millió dollárt adományoz Haitinak, hogy segítsen a karibi országnak a múlt heti földrengés után.

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Poor DR Congo offers aid to Haiti

Poor DR Congo offers aid to Haiti

The Democratic Republic of Congo has announced it is sending $2.5m (£1.5m) in emergency aid to Haiti, to help it cope with last week's earthquake.

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