The pilot commanding the Ethiopian Airlines plane which burst into flames and crashed into the sea with 90 people aboard on Monday morning had flown in the wrong…
Fighting Poverty through Agriculture
Poverty can be defined as the inability to achieve a certain minimal standard of living. With the severe economic shocks that rocked the Nigerian economy during the early…
New constitution allows for Dos Santos to stay in power
Angola’s parliament yesterday approved a new constitution that will allow President Jose Eduardo dos Santos to extend his three- decade-long rule, in a vote that was boycotted by…
100 év azonosság, 100 év változás. Torday Emil nyomában Kongóban
A 100 év azonosság, 100 év változás. Torday Emil nyomában Kongóban című kiállítás tartalmát Torday Emil 20. század eleji kutató útjain valamint a 2009 nyarán megvalósult Torday-Kongó Expedíció…
Ethiopian Airlines jet crashes into sea off Beirut
An Ethiopian Airlines passenger plane with 89 people on board has crashed into the Mediterranean Sea shortly after take-off from Beirut airport.
A nigériai gyilkosságok kivizsgálása
Egy amerikai jogi csoport felszólította Nigéria alelnökét, hogy rendeljen el egy azonnali bűnügyi nyomozást az ország középső részén történt esemény miatt, melynek során legalább 150 muszlim lakost mészároltak…
Somali Militants Threaten to Attack Nairobi
Somalia's insurgent group Al-Shabaab has threatened and also accused neighbouring Kenya of deploying more troops to the bordering towns.
Study shows most deaths in Darfur war from disease
New research on the conflict in Sudan's western Darfur region shows that more than 80 percent of the 300,000 deaths since fighting began in 2003 were the result…
Probe sought into Nigeria killings
A US-based rights group has urged Nigeria's vice-president to order an immediate criminal investigation into "a massacre of at least 150 Muslim residents" of a town in central…
The Joint Africa-EU Strategy identifies strategic priorities in the area of peace and security, democratic governance and human rights, trade and regional integration and other key development issues.…