Africa: Continent to Have a Common Currency – Nigeria Hosts African Central Bank

Africa: Continent to Have a Common Currency – Nigeria Hosts African Central Bank

African countries intend to have a common currency, Dr Maxwell Mkwezalamba, the Commissioner for Economic Affairs of the African Union Commission (AUC) has said. Mkwezalamba made the statement…

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Sudan: Court to Reconsider Bashir Genocide Charge

Sudan: Court to Reconsider Bashir Genocide Charge

An Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court has again opened the prospect of charging Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir with genocide over killings in Darfur.

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Afrikai Unió – Nagy diplomáciai sikert ért el Zimbabwe

Afrikai Unió – Nagy diplomáciai sikert ért el Zimbabwe

Meglepő, de igencsak fontos diplomáciai sikert könyvelhet el magának a zimbabwei diplomácia, miután az Afrikai Unió hétvégén megtartott éves csúcstalálkozóján, a külügyminiszterek értekezletén sikerült helyet szereznie magának a…

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Gaddafi Blasts African Leaders Over Unity

Gaddafi Blasts African Leaders Over Unity

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who failed to win a second term as African Union chairman, now eyes a similar post at the League of Arab states. At a…

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DRC-CONGO: Of fish wars and displacement

DRC-CONGO: Of fish wars and displacement

Rival ethnic communities in northwestern Democratic Republic of Congo have clashed many times over the years, but most recently over fish, observers say. More than 200 people have…

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14th summit of AU concludes

14th summit of AU concludes

The 14th summit of the African Union (AU) concluded here on Tuesday with African leaders pledging that they would take concrete measures to development Information and Communication Technologies…

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Violence displaces 15,000 Congolese civilians over past two months

Violence displaces 15,000 Congolese civilians over past two months

GOMA, Democratic Republic of the Congo, January 26 (UNHCR) – Military operations and banditry have forced more than 15,000 people to flee their homes over the past two…

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A folytonos erőszak miatt 15 ezer kongói kényszerült otthona elhagyására az elmúlt két hónap alatt

A folytonos erőszak miatt 15 ezer kongói kényszerült otthona elhagyására az elmúlt két hónap alatt

A Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaságban zajló katonai hadműveletek és a banditák miatt több mint 15 ezer ember kényszerült elmenekülni otthonából az elmúlt két hónapban Észak-Kivu tartományban.

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Arms Channelled to South Sudan through Kenya

Arms Channelled to South Sudan through Kenya

Kenya has been named in a report by a Swiss research institute as the conduit for many of the weapons transferred to Southern Sudan government forces in violation…

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Five dead, scores injured in Mogadishu shelling duel

Five dead, scores injured in Mogadishu shelling duel

Shelling in the Somali capital Mogadishu on Sunday left at least five people dead and more than 50 others wounded as Islamist rebels and Somali government forces backed…

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