The Cairo-based Arab League (AL) said on Saturday that the International Criminal Court's (ICC) decision to reconsider genocide charge against Sudanese President Omar al- Bashir is "unacceptable." "This…
EGYPT: Controversial organ transplant bill welcomed by WHO
A controversial organ transplant bill expected to become law in the next few weeks could regularize organ transplants and curb Egypt's booming illicit trade in human organs, experts…
Mugabe allies block Zimbabwe land audit
A two-year land audit was due to begin in Zimbabwe in February - but an angry reaction from President Robert Mugabe's allies and more attacks on white farmers…
South Africa: Zuma Breaks Silence On Fatherhood
PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma yesterday broke his silence and acknowledged having a relationship and fathering a child with Sonono Khoza, the daughter of his friend, Irvin Khoza, who is…
Szudán: A bíróság újratárgyalja a népirtással vádolt Bashir ügyét
A Nemzetközi Büntetőbíróság Fellebbviteli Kamarája újra megnyitná Szudán elnökének, Omal al-Bashirnak az ügyét, akit a Darfúrban elkövetett gyilkosságok miatt népirtással vádolnak.
Congo-Kinshasa: How to End Natural Resource-Fuelled Conflict?
The international community should draw up a comprehensive strategy to tackle conflicts fuelled by natural resources especially in fragile African states, UK campaign group Global Witness says.
Somalia: Shipping Firms Pass on Piracy Charges to Local Importers
Traders are rallying international support for the war against pirates off the coast of Somalia to stop the loss of billions of shillings through surging shipping costs.
Africa: Continent to Have a Common Currency – Nigeria Hosts African Central Bank
African countries intend to have a common currency, Dr Maxwell Mkwezalamba, the Commissioner for Economic Affairs of the African Union Commission (AUC) has said. Mkwezalamba made the statement…
Sudan: Court to Reconsider Bashir Genocide Charge
An Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court has again opened the prospect of charging Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir with genocide over killings in Darfur.
Afrikai Unió – Nagy diplomáciai sikert ért el Zimbabwe
Meglepő, de igencsak fontos diplomáciai sikert könyvelhet el magának a zimbabwei diplomácia, miután az Afrikai Unió hétvégén megtartott éves csúcstalálkozóján, a külügyminiszterek értekezletén sikerült helyet szereznie magának a…