A Nemzeti Közgyűlés egyhangúlag döntött arról, hogy alkotmányosan felhatalmazzák az alelnököt, Goodluck Jonathant az 1999-es alkotmány 145 cikkelye alapján, aki így ügyvivő elnök lesz.
Madonna’s Solar School In Malawi
Big-hearted singing star Madonna is currently working on creating a sustainable school for girls in Malawi, Africa. Designed by New York-based Studio MDA, The Academy for Girls Malawi,…
North African country attracted by SA nuclear reactor technology
The Algerian Atomic Energy Commission (Comena is its acronym in French) has expressed interest in South Africa's pebble-bed modular reactor (PBMR) technology.
Sudan and Chad to end hostilities
Sudan says it is ready for a full normalization of relations with neighboring Chad, raising hopes of an end to the conflict in Darfur. Chadian President Idriss Deby…
Komoly hibákat vétettek a nigériai kormányzóválasztáson
Elítélik a nigériai Anambra állam kormányzóválasztását, mivel több helyen ellopták a szavazóurnákat és szavazatokat is vásároltak.
Bad malaria pills in Africa raise resistance fears
The most effective type of malaria-fighting drugs sold in three African countries are often of poor quality, raising fears of increased drug resistance that could wipe out the…
UN Tightens Security in DR Congo Refugee Camps
Internally displaced people (IDPs) are still being abducted by armed groups for forced labor in several territories in North Kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)…
Algéria csökkentené a sertésinfluenza elleni vakcinák rendelését
Algéria csökkenteni szeretné a már megrendelt 20 millió adag oltóanyagot 5 millió adagra, mivel a vírus jelentősen gyengült az észak-afrikai országokban - nyilatkozta az Egészségügyi Minisztérium egyik szakértője.
Algeria wants to cut flu vaccines order; ministry
Algeria wants to reduce its order of swine flu vaccines from 20 to five million doses, as cases of the virus have declined in the north African country,…
BURUNDI: Female ex-combatants picking up the pieces
By age 15, Annonciata Nduwimana was an accomplished fighter for Burundi's opposition Forces nationales de liberation (FNL) and knew how to kill in battle. "My father was killed,…