Ethiopian experts begin work on Sierra Leone hydroelectric project

Ethiopian experts begin work on Sierra Leone hydroelectric project

Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo) has been hired to manage the recently constructed Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project (BHP) in Sierra Leone by the west African country’s National Power Authority…

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Niger coup leaders promise fresh elections

Niger coup leaders promise fresh elections

The leaders of the military coup in Niger have promised a "return to constitutional order", three days after overthrowing President Mamadou Tandja.

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Turmoil in Niger Raises Fears of Coup

Turmoil in Niger Raises Fears of Coup

Small vendors abandoned their stalls as the typical lunch hour break opened with gunfire at the presidential palace shortly after 1pm local time in Niger's capital, Niamey.

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Chad: Govt Seeks Withdrawal of Military Component of UN Mission

Chad: Govt Seeks Withdrawal of Military Component of UN Mission

The top United Nations peacekeeper is flying to Chad next week after the African country called for the withdrawal of the military component of the UN mission that…

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Az EU megújítja a Zimbabwe elleni szankciókat

Az EU megújítja a Zimbabwe elleni szankciókat

Az Európai Unió meghosszabbította a Zimbabwe elleni szankcióit újabb 12 hónapra, mivel a zimbabwei egységkormány működésében nem tapasztalható kellő mértékű fejlődés.

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EU renews sanctions on Zimbabwe

EU renews sanctions on Zimbabwe

The European Union has renewed its sanctions against Zimbabwe for another 12 months, saying the unity government had not made enough progress.

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Melegpornót vetített a templomban az ugandai lelkész

Melegpornót vetített a templomban az ugandai lelkész

Homoszexuális pornófelvételeket vetített templomában szerdán egy ugandai lelkész, hogy ezzel a módszerrel szerezzen támogatást az ugandai parlament előtt lévő melegellenes törvény bevezetéséhez.

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Porn-showing pastor furious with gays

Porn-showing pastor furious with gays

A Ugandan pastor has pushed his anti-homosexual rage onto his parishioners, by screening gay pornography at his packed church.

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Egypt prepares for its next economic leap forward

Egypt prepares for its next economic leap forward

Egypt is looking forward to its post-crisis challenge of growing at 7 per cent a year with recent encouraging figures from several sectors of the economy, Prime Minister…

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The Gambia expels Unicef chief Min Whee-Kang

The Gambia expels Unicef chief Min Whee-Kang

The Gambia has expelled the envoy of the UN's children charity, Unicef.

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