The Moses Mabhida Stadium is a massive and outstanding landmark in Durban and with the 2010 FIFA World Cup only months away, the jewel of Durban is gearing…
Africa Faces Twin Challenges After Global Crisis
With world recovery under way, Africa faces the twin challenges of reviving strong growth and reinforcing resilience to the economic shocks that regularly batter the continent, IMF officials…
Polio vaccine drive starts in Africa
More than 85 million children under the age of five in 19 African countries will be vaccinated against polio, the World Health Organization says. The cross-border vaccination campaign…
Halálos földcsuszamlás Ugandában
Több mint háromszáz áldozata is lehet az ugandai földcsuszamlásnak, mely a heves esőzések miatt következett be az ország keleti, hegyekkel borított területein. Többek között egy falut, Bududa teljes…
Kivégeztek egy szudáni sofőrt Szaúd-Arábiában
Kivégeztek egy szudáni sofőrt, akit szaúd-arábiai munkáltatója meggyilkolásáért ítéltek el.
Sudanese driver executed in Saudi Arabia
A Sudanese driver convicted of murdering his Saudi Arabian employer has been executed.
Africa begins to make poverty history
Economists claim Africa may meet Millennium Development Goal targets ahead of the 2015 deadline. In 2006, the African poverty rate was 30 per cent lower than in 1995…
Togo: Presidential Election Receives Boost From UN Development Agency
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been endeavouring to ensure that today's presidential election in Togo - which was rocked by clashes following disputed polls in 2005…
Elraboltak három újságírót Nigériában
Elrabolták a dél-afrikai SuperSport TV csatorna három alkalmazottját Nigéria délkeleti részén.
SA SuperSport journalists seized in Nigeria
Three employees of South African TV channel SuperSport have been kidnapped in south-east Nigeria.