Seven Chinese nationals working for a private fishing company in Cameroon have been kidnapped off the Bakassi peninsula in south-west Cameroon, according to diplomatic sources quoted by the…
Terrortámadás Nigériában
Személygépkocsikba rejtett pokolgépek robbantak fel a Niger folyó deltavidékén található Warri városban a kormányzói hivatal közelében. A támadásban, melynek tervét a Niger-delta Felszabadítási Mozgalom (Mend) vállalt magára, feltehetően…
Nigeria: Bomb Blasts Rock Warri Amnesty Talks
GOVERNORS, elders, leaders and stakeholders of the Niger-Delta, yesterday, angrily scolded the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger-Delta, MEND, for detonating two bombs some 200 meters away…
Africa: Domain Name Meeting Urges Africa to End Internet Drought
A global Internet security firm has asked African leaders to make the Internet more accessible and affordable in order to promote social and economic development. At the 37th…
Somali Government Signs Deal With Powerful Militia
Somalia's government signed an agreement with a powerful militia on Monday that offers high-level militants senior government positions in return for their military support during a long-planned offensive…
Africa: Continent Still Hungry Despite Annual U.S.$3 Billion of Aid and U.S.$33 Billion of Food Imports – UN
One in three Africans is chronically hungry, despite $3 billion spent on food aid for the continent annually and $33 billion in food imports, the director of the…
Kenya: Kidney Transplant Opens New Frontier for Patients in Continent
The cord of love between two sisters proved unbreakable when one put her life on the line to save the other. Ms Mary Nginyo, 32, was diagnosed with…
Chad: Hungry Season Sets in Early
The poorest households in Chad will find themselves with no food reserves in the coming weeks, according to the US famine early warning systems network, FEWSNET.
Libya accepts U.S. apology over comments on Libyan leader
The Libyan Foreign Ministry on Wednesday accepted an apology from the U.S. State Department over its spokesman's comments on Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
Nigerian violence fed by ethnic, economic issues, ex-president says
Former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo insisted Wednesday that this week's explosion of violence that claimed at least 200 lives is not driven by religious tensions between Christians and…