Nigeria has recalled its ambassador to Libya after leader Muammar Gaddafi suggested Nigeria be divided into two states - one Christian and one Muslim.
Nigéria visszahívta líbiai nagykövetét
Nigéria azért hívta haza a líbiai nagykövetét, mert az észak-afrikai ország vezetője, Moammer Kadhafi azt javasolta, hogy osszák fel Nigériát két különálló államra – egy keresztény és egy…
Africa Hopes to Join High-Speed Internet Science Network
African science ministers are hoping to extend a high-speed fibre optic network - currently linking Egypt to the northern hemisphere - to other countries in Africa.
Darfur donors conference kicks off in Cairo
The International Donors Conference for the Reconstruction of Darfur kicked off here on Sunday with the aim to raise 2 billion U.S. dollars for the reconstruction of the…
RWANDA-UGANDA: Refugees face hunger as farming ban bites
A farming ban imposed on Rwandan refugees in southwestern Uganda is raising concerns for their food security, while proposed cash transfers could boost both food prices and theft,…
Zimbabwe: Zuma Announces Progress in Talks
South Africa's President Jacob Zuma says Zimbabwe's leaders have agreed on "a package of measures" which could bring about "substantial" progress in implementing the agreement setting up their…
190 million € to support banana exporters in 10 African and Caribbean countries
Today, the Commission has adopted a €190 million (£170 million) support package for banana exporters from 10 countries which belong to the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group…
Kadhafi kettéosztaná Nigériát
A líbiai vezető iszlám és keresztény részre osztaná az afrikai országot.
African Union Imposes Sanctions on Madagascar
The African Union peace and Security Council has imposed sanctions against the Madagascar government on travel ban and diplomatic isolation.
Divide Nigeria in two, says Muammar Gaddafi
Nigeria should be divided into two nations to avoid further bloodshed between Muslims and Christians, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has said.