Samson Mtukudzi, Oliver Mtukudzi zenész fia 21 évesen halt meg, miután autóbalesetet szenvedett Kuwandza közelében a Harare-Bulawayo közötti úton.
Veszélyben a Föld tüdeje
A Kongó-medence erdőgazdálkodása és környezeti hatásai Közel 2 millió km2-es területével Földünk második legnagyobb kiterjedésű esőerdője – az Amazonas-medence után – a közép-afrikai Kongó-medencében található. Bár az őserdő…
Zimbabwe swears in electoral, human rights commissioners
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe swore in members of electoral and human rights commissions on Wednesday, a step toward fully implementing his power-sharing agreement with rival Morgan Tsvangirai.
Backgrounder: Chronology of key political events in Guinea-Bissau
Guinea-Bissau's Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Junior was briefly detained on Thursday by military officers amid renewed fears of coup in the West African country. Instability including the 1998-1999…
Ben Stiller has contracted Lyme disease
During a humanitarian trip to Mozambique, the American actor has been bitten by a tick. Seeing his knee swelling and pain increase, Ben Stiller was thinking of a…
Africa bids to host mega radio telescope
Africa stands a good chance of beating Australia in a race to host the world's most powerful radio telescope able to peer back billions of years in time,…
Sierra Leone doctors and nurses get massive pay rise
Health workers in Sierra Leone say they will end their 10-day strike, after the president agreed in a late-night deal to increase their pay six-fold.
U.S. cautions against misuse of refugee camp for combatant recruitment base
The United States government said Tuesday that no refugee camp should be used as recruitment base for combatants in the ongoing civil war in neighboring Somalia.
Zimbabwe working to reform media laws
Zimbabwe's Finance Minister Tendai Biti on Saturday said Zimbabwe was working to reform its harsh media laws, with work on a new constitution expected to get under way…
Nigeria Asks U.S. to Revisit Terror Blacklist
Acting President Goodluck Jonathan has urged President Barack Obama to revisit the classification of Nigeria by the United States as a "country of interest" on the terror list…