World Bank offers $3.75bn loan to South Africa

World Bank offers $3.75bn loan to South Africa

The World Bank has sanctioned $3.75 billion loan to South Africa for the development of wind and solar power plants to meet the country's energy requirements. The bank's…

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Can Africa feed herself…?

Can Africa feed herself…?

Food security and self-sufficiency would be a priority for Africa in the next five years, with investments eyed for agricultural to nourish its populations and create the much…

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Catholic sex abuse “in Africa too”

Catholic sex abuse “in Africa too”

The Catholic Archbishop of Johannesburg, Buti Tlhagale, has warned that also clergy in Africa have committed sexual abuse of children. Abuse was not a Western problem, it affected…

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Sudan: Peace Talks to Continue in Darfur After Weekend Elections, AU-UN Official Stresses

Sudan: Peace Talks to Continue in Darfur After Weekend Elections, AU-UN Official Stresses

The joint African Union-United Nations chief mediator for Darfur confirmed today that negotiations aimed at generating a comprehensive peace deal to end the ongoing conflict in the western…

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Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság: Egy békefenntartó katonát és két MONUC-alkalmazottat lőttek le Equateur tartományban

Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság: Egy békefenntartó katonát és két MONUC-alkalmazottat lőttek le Equateur tartományban

Egy ghánai kéksisakos katona és a MONUC (az ENSZ kongói misszió) két munkatársa halt meg egy vasárnapi lövöldözésben, amely a kongói Equateur tartomány fővárosában tört ki.

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Abolishing fees boosts African schooling

Abolishing fees boosts African schooling

When the Kenyan government announced it would stop charging fees for primary school education - just days before the beginning of the 2003 school year - the result…

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Homophobia divides Africa

Homophobia divides Africa

Homophobic laws in Uganda and an anti-gay court case in Malawi are only two current examples demonstrating a conservative wave regarding sexual minorities in Africa. But in other…

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Army aide designated as drug kingpin

Army aide designated as drug kingpin

The US Treasury Department said yesterday that it has designated Guinea-Bissau’s Air Force chief of staff and the former Navy chief of staff of the African nation as…

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Somali pirates hijack Turkish ship

Somali pirates hijack Turkish ship

Somali pirates have hijacked a Turkish cargo vessel off the coast of Kenya, the EU's naval force has said.

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Cairo police act against protesters

Cairo police act against protesters

Egyptian protesters demanding an end to President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year rule scuffled with security forces yesterday and dozens were detained, witnesses and security sources said.

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