Water Crisis in Africa Deepening, Survey Shows

Water Crisis in Africa Deepening, Survey Shows

The amount of water available per person in Africa is declining and only 26 of…

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Éleslőszerrel lőttek a tüntetőkre

Éleslőszerrel lőttek a tüntetőkre

Elefántcsontpart, Abidjan – Éjszakai kijárási tilalom van érvényben Elefántcsontparton, ennek ellenére a felhárodott emberek az…

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Rohamosan terjed a szegénység

Rohamosan terjed a szegénység

Svájc, Genf – Egyre gyorsuló ütemben nő a szegénység a Földön. Egy friss ENSZ jelentés…

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Guinea closes borders

Guinea closes borders

Conakry - Guinea's interim leader said on Saturday the country's borders had been closed, 10…

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Egypt election: Security on alert

Egypt election: Security on alert

Cairo - Egyptian security forces were on high alert on Saturday, on the eve of…

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Egypt urged to drop Facebook trial

Egypt urged to drop Facebook trial

Cairo - Amnesty International on Friday urged Egypt to stop the trial of a Facebook…

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South Sudan looks to a cleaner future

South Sudan looks to a cleaner future

Bentiu - South Sudan officials are concerned at the environmental damage being caused by the…

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Ugandan gays ‘in hiding’

Ugandan gays ‘in hiding’

Kampala - Uganda's gay community has gone into hiding after a local tabloid published 100…

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Egypt clashes – another Christian dies

Egypt clashes – another Christian dies

Cairo - A security official says another Christian has died from gunshot wounds sustained in…

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Elefántra mentek, golyót kaptak

Elefántra mentek, golyót kaptak

Kenya, Nairobi – Orvvadászokat lőttek le egy kenyai Nemzeti Parkban.

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