Líbia, Tripoli - Megverték a BBC tudósítóit, miután megpróbáltak bejutni Zavijába, a Kadhafi erői által…
szerkesztoseg@globoport.hu írásai
Ki repül a végén Elefántcsontparton?
Elefántcsontpart, Yamoussoukro Megtiltotta a légtérhasználatot és a leszállást az ENSZ erőknek és a francia…
Angola arrests 15 before protest
Luanda - Opponents of Angola's long-serving President Jose Eduardo dos Santos vowed to push through…
Berlusconi ‘sent escorts to Gaddafi opponent as favour to Libya leader
Silvio Berlusconi helped Col Muammar Gaddafi to gain the leadership of the African Union in…
Robert Mugabe’s health ‘hurting Zimbabwe’
Robert Mugabe's health is failing and causing the country to suffer because important decisions cannot…
Morocco phosphate exports increase by 18.8%
Moroccan exports of phosphate increased last January by 18.8% to 2.94 billion dirhams (1 euro…
Orange Tunisia majority shareholder might be nationalized
Orange Tunisia may gain a new majority shareholder, following rumors that the incoming government is…
World Bank Lauches Africa’s Recovery Strategy
The World Bank has launched a new strategic plan to enable Africa improve its competitiveness…
Nigeria destroys 500 illegal oil refineries in Niger Delta
Nigeria's security forces have destroyed another 500 illegal refineries in the Niger Delta area, in…
ICC orders Sudan rebels to stand trial over Darfur
THE HAGUE, March 8 (Reuters) - The International Criminal Court on Tuesday ordered two Sudanese…