Kína, Sanghaj- Igen termékeny volt Bronislaw Komorowski lengyel államfő kínai útja: az öt napos látogatás…
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Vietnam makes China flag faux pas
Vietnam has displayed the wrong Chinese flag, with six stars instead of five, during a…
Pakistan rejects US air strike deaths report
Pakistan has rejected the findings of a US report into an air strike on the…
La valse d’hésitation de la Corée du Sud après la mort de Kim Jong-il
Deux jours après l’annonce du décès de Kim Jong-il, le dirigeant nord-coréen, des militants basés…
Pakistan Prime Minister fears ouster
Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Thursday said conspirators were plotting to bring down…
Finland ‘finds Patriot missiles’ on China-bound shi
The Finnish authorities have impounded an Isle of Man-flagged ship bound for China with undeclared…
Madárinfluenza riadó Hong Kongban
Kína, Hong Kong - 17 ezer baromfit vágtak le, miután elhullott madarakban a H5N1 vírust…
Hong Kong orders chicken cull as bird flu alert raised
Hong Kong is culling 17,000 chickens after three birds were confirmed to have died from…
Les femmes pakistanaises toujours aussi nombreuses à être victimes de «crimes d’honneur»
Au Pakistan, au moins 675 femmes ou filles ont été tuées au cours des neuf…
Mobile app to help Indian women fight sex assault
A smartphone app launched Wednesday in the Indian capital Delhi aims to fight a rise…