La Chine enregistre un déficit commercial record en février

La Chine enregistre un déficit commercial record en février

La Chine a enregistré en février son plus important déficit commercial depuis plus de dix ans.…

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India reverses cotton export ban after farmer outrage

India reverses cotton export ban after farmer outrage

India has reversed a ban on cotton exports, less than a week after imposing it.

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Indonesian police arrest ‘hitman advertiser’

Indonesian police arrest ‘hitman advertiser’

Police are investigating whether the websites represented a real hitman or were just a hoax

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Pakistan bans Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaat Islamist group

Pakistan bans Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaat Islamist group

Pakistan's government has issued orders banning the country's largest Islamic extremist group.

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Pakistan: départ annoncé du chef des services de renseignement

Pakistan: départ annoncé du chef des services de renseignement

Yusuf Raza Gilani, le Premier ministre du Pakistan a procédé vendredi 9 mars à la…

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Indian ‘mining mafia’ accused of killing policeman

Indian ‘mining mafia’ accused of killing policeman

Narendra Kumar Singh was trying to stop illegal mining

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Afghanistan joins railroad era _ 100 years late

Afghanistan joins railroad era _ 100 years late

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — More than a century ago, fearing that his country might be…

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Sri Lanka reopens site of Velupillai Prabhakaran death

Sri Lanka reopens site of Velupillai Prabhakaran death

The lagoon where Tamil Tiger leader Velupillai Prabhakaran died in the final stages of Sri…

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Les autorités afghanes vont prendre le contrôle de la prison de Bagram «dans les six mois»

Les autorités afghanes vont prendre le contrôle de la prison de Bagram «dans les six mois»

Le transfert du contrôle du centre de détention de Parwan, proche de la base militaire…

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A kínaiak lendíthetik föl a téli sportok piacát

A kínaiak lendíthetik föl a téli sportok piacát

Kína, Peking - A síszezonnak lassan vége, a szakma sikeresnek tartja az elmúlt időszakot és…

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