Bangladeshi police have arrested a teacher from a religious school who allegedly placed a burning…
Pap Gergely írásai
Trafó: Glimpse from Pakistanian culture
Pakistan, Budapest -The Qawwali is an Islamic mysticism, known as the Sufi system of performing…
Démission de l’ambassadeur américain au Pakistan
L'ambassadeur américain au Pakistan, Cameron Munter, va démissionner l'été prochain après avoir servi moins de…
Clinton Indiában: Pakisztánnak többet kell tennie a terrorizmus elleni harcban!
India, Új Delhi - Ezt Új Delhiben mondta sajtóértekezleten az amerikai külügyminiszter. Hillary Clinton tegnap…
China warns Philippines on ‘mistakes’ in maritime spat
China has issued fresh warnings to the Philippines over a month-long stand-off in the South…
Thai man jailed for lese majeste dies, says lawyer
A Thai man in his 60s who was jailed for 20 years for sending text…
La Chine découvre François Hollande
es Chinois connaissent peu ou pas du tout le nouveau président français. Ce lundi 7…
Curfew is imposed in Miranshah area of NW Pakistan
A curfew is in place in and around the north-western Pakistani town of Miranshah after…
France: le retrait d’Afghanistan, un dossier brûlant pour François Hollande
L'un des premiers chantiers au niveau international de François Hollande sera la gestion du dossier…
Court in India upholds right to sex change operation
The High Court of Mumbai, India, has said there is no legal bar to an…