India PM Singh: Revive economy’s animal spirit

India PM Singh: Revive economy’s animal spirit

Indian PM Manmohan Singh has urged his officials to come up with measures to revive…

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Bombasiker a malajziai világcég tőzsdei akciója

Bombasiker a malajziai világcég tőzsdei akciója

Malajzia, Kuala-Lumpur - A Facebook után idén  a második legnagyobb pénzt hozta az FVG nevű…

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Mining wealth key issue as Mongolia votes

Mining wealth key issue as Mongolia votes

Voters are going to the polls in Mongolia to elect a new parliament in the…

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India ‘spy’ Surjeet Singh returns from Pakistan jail

India ‘spy’ Surjeet Singh returns from Pakistan jail

An Indian man has returned to his country after spending more than 30 years in…

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La guerre perdue contre l’opium en Afghanistan

La guerre perdue contre l’opium en Afghanistan

Les chiffres sont implacables. En 2001, lorsque la coalition internationale menée par les Etats-Unis a…

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South Korea to halt Iran oil imports amid sanctions

South Korea to halt Iran oil imports amid sanctions

South Korea has said imports of Iranian oil will be suspended from 1 July amid…

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S. Korea, Japan to sign first military accord

S. Korea, Japan to sign first military accord

South Korea will soon sign a military agreement with Japan, officials said Wednesday, in what…

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Kyrgyz capital’s ex-mayor charged with corruption

Kyrgyz capital’s ex-mayor charged with corruption

A court in Kyrgyzstan has brought charges of corruption against the capital city's former mayor…

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Russia to agree N. Korea debt settlement: official

Russia to agree N. Korea debt settlement: official

The Russian government is this month set to agree a framework to settle North Korea's…

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L’artificier des attentats de Bali condamné à vingt ans de prison

L’artificier des attentats de Bali condamné à vingt ans de prison

La justice indonésienne a condamné, ce jeudi 21 juin 2012, Umar Patek à vingt ans…

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