Kenyan military reports dozens killed in Somalia

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The Kenyan military says that dozens of Somali militants and 11 Somali government soldiers have died in recent battles.


A statement from Kenya’s military spokesman Tuesday said that five al-Shabab fighters on a boat attacked a Kenyan naval vessel on Monday. The statement said the navy sunk the attacking boat.

Kenya’s military statement also said military jets bombed two al-Shabab camps in Somalia on Monday, killing an unknown number of militants.

The statement also reported a large battle over the weekend in which it said 11 Somali government soldiers and more than 40 al-Shabab fighters were killed. It said 25 wounded Somali soldiers were airlifted to Kenya for medical treatment.

It was impossible to independently verify the Kenyan military’s claims.

Kenyan troops moved into Somalia in October to fight al-Shabab militants.

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