Ben Stiller will remember his trip to Mozambique last February. In Detour a visit to a village the actor falls into a muddy ditch and injured his knee: "I hurt my knee. I had aches and was getting worse and worse. It was painful and I could less move my knee, "he reported during the Late Show, the famous U.S. talk show with David Letterman.
Once back in the United States, the hero of Zoolander consult a doctor first in New York who discovers her uniquement of arthritis. But "this has got worse, then I returned to Los Angeles and I saw one of the best specialists in the knee. He looked at me and said" there is a lot of fluid in your knee, it will have drained it all. "He pressed a needle to remove the blood. He had this strange look and said" This is not blood. "I asked" What is it? "He replied," I do not know. "So they sought to know what this liquid. They thought it wasVAIT been infected, but they were not sure. "
Finally, after analysis, the doctors say he contracted Lyme disease, caused by tick bite at the knee.
Source: Real Health