Arab interior ministers meet in Tunisia on anti-terrorism

Arab interior ministers met on Tuesday to discuss ways to eliminate terrorism in the region and adequate moves to curb crimes in Arab states. “It is necessary to step up efforts so as to make sure that the security agencies are always up to the tasks entrusted to them, adapting to changes and in tune with modern technologies and scientific methods,” Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali said in a statement read on his behalf by Interior Minister Rafik Belhaj Kacem.

"This will help increase the efficiency of fighting all types of crimes, and protect the society from all risks and scourges," he added.
The 27th session of the Arab Interior Ministers Council kicked off in Tunisia, as ministers alongside with representatives from international organizations focused on strategies to fight terrorism financing, drug trafficking and organized crimes.
"The phenomenon of crime is developing, especially the terrorism-related criminal acts. So, we need to unify our action plans and consolidate regional and international cooperation because fighting such crimes will be difficult challenge for every state if fought individually" said Nayef Saoud el-Kadi, Jordanian interior minister.
Mohamed Ibn Ali Koumen, general secretary of Arab Interior Ministers Council, outlined the serious challenges that face the Arab states, urging them to accelerate moves to rein in crimes risks.
"This session is held under difficult conditions marked by great changes in the crime field and the development of links between terrorism and various forms of organized crimes. The continued evolution of new technologies is likely to encourage crime and produce new types of crimes," Koumen said.
"We have to follow progress and anticipate changes in order to preserve the positive results it has achieved towards strengthening security and stability in Arab countries," he added.
Participants in the two-day meeting are expected to review security plans and strategies and the adequate mechanisms to implement them. 
Source: Africatime


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