Illegal Immigrant from Eritrea Wins Swedish Lottery Jackpot

An Eritrean national, 28-year-old Tes faldet Tes loy who has been liv ing in Swe den as an ille gal immi grant has scored a big win with a lot tery scratch card and appeared on tele vi sion on Sat ur day to col lect his win nings even though author i¬ties have been try ing to deport him.

 The Eritrean who has lived in the immigrant-friendly Nordic coun try for six years, won a tax-free prize of 1.2 mil lion Swedish crown which is about the equiv a lent of $160,000.


Attempts to deport the man have failed due to his country’s refusal to take him back, a com mon prob lem for immi gra tion offi cials. Tes loy is one of hun dreds of peo ple liv ing ille gally in Swe den who can not be sent home because their home coun tries refuse to have them back unless they agree to being deported. Iran, Cuba and the east African nation of Eritrea all ignore or refuse to coop er ate with the depor ta tion orders, leav ing the immi grants stuck in a legal no-man’s land.


Immi gra tion offi cial described the depor ta tion process as “dif fi cult,” since few immi grants who come to Swe den seek ing polit i cal refuge can be con vinced to leave vol un tar ily. “They are not allowed to be here and we are unable to deport them, and they won’t leave vol un tar ily,” Swedish author i ties at the Stock holm County Bor der Police said. Tesloy’s lucky lot tery break was deemed entirely legal by the Swedish National Lot tery. Although he is not allowed to work in Swe den he now has plans to become a licensed phys i cal ther a pist.


Source: Africa time

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