He stressed he is not sure the Venezuelan government adequately monitors the situation, due to the complexity of issues being handled at present.
However, he alerted of the “shamelessness with which subversion is promoting armed solutions to attain their goals.”
Rangel denounced that opposing sectors reject legally constituted authorities, carry on a slander campaign against persons and institutions in the most inhumane way, playing with the life of president Hugo Chavez.
He also expressed there is something extremely delicate as to “outright provoke the military, criticizing its high-ranking officials, using attacks that raise mass violation of domestic discipline of the military corps and incite them to launch a coup.”
Rangel, who was minister of Defense in 2002, calls the attention about the similarity of today’s situation with what happened that year.
However, he expressed, today’s situation is different, the government gained experience, the intelligence and security corps act with the efficiency they lacked then and the popular support of the government has expanded.
Rangel, also member of the Council of State, stressed there is “a certain threat, that can be verified by the extremist attitude of that sector, obsessive, which compels to be alert, in order to abort their pretensions at a miniomum cost.”
The Bolivarian government and the people must take the initiative, said Rangel and stressed that “lack of trust must be the top slogan”, concludes the article. (PL)