Since its 2012 foundation Iroko has grown into a prestigious international recognition. Among this year’s awardees, in addition to Hungarians, we could find Serbian, Slovenian and Austrian professionals who achieved a lot in their areas of music, painting, medicine, or communication and media. They have hugely contributed to showing a genuine picture of the everyday life and matters of African countries to the people of Hungary and neighboring countries.
2014 awardees of Iroko Awards (in alphabetical order):
Babalola Akeem, Becker Irén, the staff of Class FM Morning Show (Sebestyén Balázs, Vadon János, Rákóczi Ferenc), Dr. Abebe Assefa, Kft band (Bornai Tibor, Laár András, II. Lengyelfi Miklós, Márton András), Knezevic Sijan Narcisa, H.E. Lounés Magramane, Madueke A. Kingsley, Maráczi Tamás, Ndubuisi U. Nnorom, Nelson Victor, Olu-Jacobs Ajani Jeffrey, Oluyemi Olawale Ogundele, Pallikunnel herceg, Rónai Egon, Serengeti Troupe (Mhagama Péter, Deus Kizenga, Zabron Iswaga), Tóth Gábor, Vujity Tvrtko, Ursula Dumnoi.