The expedition will be organized in Angolan-Hungarian cooperation

“An African project only makes sense if the goals are also shared by African partners and the project is supported by them.” –finds Africa researcher Ildikó Hermina Szilasi, anthropologist and expert of the African-Hungarian Union. Not only Hungarian partners but the Angolan Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Territorial Administration moreover, personally Minister Bornito De Sousa thinks that the commemoration of László Magyar ‘s life and work is an important and valuable task.


It is necessary to mention to mention that the revival of the cultural bridge funded by László Magyar, could strengthen ties between the rapidly developing Angola and the 13 times smaller Hungary. The two member expedition crew is in Benguela actually. It was the starting point of László Magyar’s (1818-1864) caravan to the interior of the country.

On January 15th, 1849 I said goodbye to some friends and started my careless journey towards North-East to the direction of the Katumbela river with my kisongo, a translator, three slaves and six ‘tipoja’ carrier.” (extract from László Magyar’s book, 1859)

“We continue our work in the heartland of Angola, in Huambo. I have high expectations from this trip. People are extremely kind and very easy to photograph!”- summarized Gergely Lantai-Csont, photographer.

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