News from Madagascar

Madagascar- News of the week from Madagascar, from our special correspondent,

Rovatiana Salema.



hief Executive: Zafy said No to Rajoelina 

Prof. hardens its position vis-à-vis the president installed.Moreover, its movement is represented in a political meeting convened by it. 

In a letter dated October 3, 2011, entitled “appeal to the people of Madagascar (Malagasy and foreign),” he sent to the Troika of SADC, to Chancelleries, entities of the armed forces and civil society and as political parties, Professor Zafy expressed his “opposition to the occupation by Andry Rajoelina Nirina any terminal within the Executive of the transition implementation after the signing of the commitment procedure on 16 September 2011. “”There is no question that Mr. Rajoelina is Chief Executive. Mr. Andry Rajoelina Nirina is guilty of serious economic crimes committed during his 30 months of de facto regime. “Says Prof. 

Obsolete. Professor Zafy points in his letter the sins he has put on the back of the tenant Ambohitsorohitra when he made his great unpacking the Magro Behoririka: involvement in illegal trafficking of rosewood in association with foreign mafia, embezzlementcustoms revenue to the benefit of deposit accounts (personal) of NET to the detriment of Gasy Malagasy people, theft of public money characterized by the practice of buying overpriced on account of the Treasury and the Central Bank of Madagascar.According to the Prof, “the PHAT is spent since March 2011.””There is no second term for transitional regimes anywhere in the world, except with Andry Nirina Rajoelina with the complicity of a few oligarchs (civilian and military),” said he. Professor Zafy to conclude his letter with an appeal: “Dear compatriots: Walking for a clean transition to the Fourth Republic. ” 

Double play? The position of Professor is unequivocal. By cons, many observers wonder: Why is it Zafy movement represented a political meeting convened by Rajoelina while Prof. opposes the presidency by one of the transition? Professor Zafy would it be doing double game? The facts seem to confirm, despite formal denial of Dr. Emmanuel Rakotovahiny, the split within the movement Zafy. Rakotovahiny a wing of the movement of the former president would it be in training?




PM of consensus: three names for the entity to provide day Rajoelina
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 0:00
Can be from either the province or the political platform that supports the President of the Transition.

The signatories of the Roadmap from so far, a list of three names of persons, including the president of the Hat, president installed, will choose the consensus prime minister. And, under Article 5 of the roadmap. The same article states that “the prime minister will be appointed by the President of the Transition from a list of persons nominated by political actors Malagasy parties to the roadmap. It is understood that the consensus prime minister can be from either the province or the political platform that supports the President of the Transition. “

Group of 10. It must however be noted that entities in the group of 10 and Manoro Regis Zafy the movement were still present in the various meetings held in recent days, Ambohitsorohitra. After which, they proposed to 120 members of the Supreme Council of the Transition to 250 people and the Congress of the Transition.Proposals that have been commented on. The fact is that the Department of Finance and Budget will tackle it if this expansion of these two institutions will be retained.

Subservient. Returning to the consensus prime minister, according to several sources, the Ravalomanana forward no name as prime minister. For his part, Professor Albert Zafy issued harsh criticism at the point the President of the Hat. Given this position of man in straw hat, Manoro Regis Will it alone? Not to mention the movement Ratsiraka which boycotted the signing of the road map to the hotel the “Golden Peacock” Ivato. It remains therefore that the group of 10 which is nevertheless far or near subservient to the tenant Ambohitsorohitra. It’s up to him and to suggest names that suit them. While respecting the Section 5 of the roadmap. It should be noted, the translation into Malagasy road map from the Ministry of Communication. In parallel, a new translation was done by Narifidy Rajesson. And, they say, for a better understanding of most of the Malagasy population.






Marc Ravalomanana: “The roadmap scorned”
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 0:00
“The leaders of the transition unilateral Have a willingness to seek a solution to the political crisis in Madagascar? And will they finally meet the implementation of the roadmap? The answer is they have to follow the recommendations relating thereto. ” It’s essentially the message that former President Marc Ravalomanana launched in Tamatave. It was during the meeting of the Malagasy rodoben’ny the weekend, the “Kianja Fihavanana” V Tanambao of Toamasina.And the exile from South Africa to recall that the point 30 of the Road Map signed on September 17 states that “these commitments supersede all commitments and previously signed or on the transition in Madagascar.” That is to say, and he also said that “the conduct of military surprises as the Troika, as the last defense, they must remain neutral.” Adding that “the day after the signing, the components of the current transition have violated the roadmap.” This highlighting the fact that “we will soon enter the era of true inclusive and consensual transition”

Turning point in history. “This week is crucial for entry into the long-awaited transition. The hope on the horizon, trust and believe is that we will finish off the fight for three years, “commented Kotomanantsoa Rémi, the president of the Malagasy rodoben’ny Toamasina in his speech. “The turn of events is the arrival of the SADC Troika, during this week, for the implementation of the roadmap,” reassured Rasamimaka Mahefalahy, vice president of the local rodobe. The representative of the Ravalomanana in the person of Manjarison to say that “President Albert Zafy all coordinated to achieve the signing of the roadmap. SADC Troika and are on the national territory to put the point i on the roadmap amended and signed by representatives of the Malagasy rodoben’ny at national level “. And President of Chantal Mahasaky rodoben’ny vehivavy to announce the color by stating that “we will go again in the streets if the members of the transition unilateral shunning the portfolios of institutions. For the hope of each household based on inclusive and consensual transition given the situation that exists in every home “


VFM: For the dissolution of government, the CT and CST
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 0:00
The party “Vato Fehizoron’i Madagasikara” (VFM) estimates that the group of 10 is the blocking factor for the resolution of the crisis.Being close to the president of the Hat, they would get a little morethan others. The VFM think the Congress of the Transition, the Supreme Council of the Transition and the government should bedissolved. For the latter, the Secretary General will be responsible for current business. This party also feels that there is that greatpolitical trends in the country, those in power and those against.Neglecting the role of centrist. Furthermore, the VFM to reiteratethat the prime minister should be chosen from the ranks of theopposition.



Conditions: Another finance law without donors
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 0:00
In principle, the draft budget law for 2012 will be submitted to Parliament for the month of October at the special session on the budget. The side of the Ministry of Finance, the draft budget 2012 is also in full preparation.

Uncertainty. Preparation extremely difficult for the technicians of the Ministry of Finance to the extent that they are faced with an equation with several unknowns. The first problem concerns the presence or absence of traditional donors for budget support. But on this first point, we are pretty sure that once more the de facto regime can not rely on budget support from donors to the extent that a few days before the presentation of the Finance Act, we are still in the total uncertainty in regard to the implementation of the roadmap meant to give the country international recognition, the only alternative that will re-open the tap donors.

Dangerous. Obviously, the de facto government can still take a chance of a forecast based on the return of external finance in 2012. But the exercise is dangerous and has already experienced a failure in 2010. Indeed, in the initial Finance Act 2010, the Ministry of Finance expects a growth rate of 2.6% based on the return of donors. “For improving the political situation allows us to envisage the return of budget support” could be read in particular the explanatory memorandum of the BIA in 2010. ” But as the political situation was getting worse rather than better in 2010, the calculation of the transition regime was flawed. Result: the forecast 2.6% growth was revised to 0.6% in the 2010 supplementary budget. Some gossips said that in the end we have witnessed a negative growth rate in 2010. Moreover, forecasting 2.8% growth for the year 2011 could also be revised.

Incredible. The other great unknown that the designers of the bill have to manage finances for the operating expenses for 2012. And that, simply because we do not know until now how many departments, it takes for the next government of national unity. We know for the moment that the voracity of the current politicians want a government composed of an incredible number of departments (sixty according to some) a CSE and a CT of several hundred members. The unelected, unrepresentative and that we must sum to pay with taxpayer money that the standard of living has continued to decline especially since the beginning of this transition led by the young president installed. Strongly over another era … adult



“Madagascar SANDAL 2018”: For the elimination of open defecation free
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 0:00
This national campaign aims to reduce the rate of defecation in the open within seven years and to increase from 32% to less than 1% the rate of this practice in Madagascar.

Launched yesterday, the national campaign “Madagascar SANDAL 2018.” A national campaign to reduce defecation in the open air in Madagascar by 2018. Need I remind you, in fact, a large proportion of Madagascar’s population (7.2 million), is concerned by this practice, the source of the scattered nature of the 18 000 tonnes of feces. This situation, which impacts on the environment of life and health are no less, is mainly due to low household access to a toilet standards, clean and hygienic and low access to safe drinking water (29 % in rural areas).

Mobilization. This national campaign “Madagascar SANDAL 2018” is then to allow the greatest number of households with access to toilets standards. UNICEF is committed to the implementation of this program with several other partners (including WASH +, NGOs Miarantsoa, ​​Saint Gabriel Brothers, ASOS and Diorano WASH Coalition, WaterAid), specified targets “awareness of households to acquire latrines without the use of direct grants, mobilizing communities to have a sanitation policy, and contribution to the development of structures that allow households to have access to health products and services at lower cost, offered by small private operators. ” This, by involving the maximum of organizations and associations in promoting sanitation. “It is essential that all public and private, governmental or non-governmental organizations work together so that by 2018, every Malagasy can have access to adequate sanitation facilities … for each household and community realize the importance of having a toilet or latrine standards, “said Natascha Paddison, Acting Representative of UNICEF in Madagascar, the launch of the campaign.
More specifically, the campaign will adopt the CLTS or Community-Led Total Sanitation (Led Total Sanitation Community) which is to raise awareness to the community of the drawbacks of poor sanitation and the need for a collective approach. Introduced to Madagascar in 2008 with support from UNICEF, this approach has already led to the construction of 3,000 latrines in 563 villages of the intervention of UNICEF and partners to raise awareness of 96,834 people in eight regions Madagascar.






Zebu meat: The bar of Ar 6000 exceeded
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 0:00
Zebu meat currently sells for between Ar 6000 Ar 6400. Whatfurther reduce the basket. The price displayed for several weeks, did not fail to challenge consumers, judging that price, rather thanprohibitive. The butchers them, feel caught between a rock and a hard place because the rising price of meat depends in large part,the hause of the price from their suppliers. Consumer purchasesare felt on the quantity purchased. It is not uncommon, in fact, thatthe butchers have to sell less than 125 g of meat, half a quarter of akilo that most consumers are accustomed to buying. As for theminced meat, the price per kilo has already reached the milestone of 8000 Ar from some neighborhood butchers.



October 5, 2011 – 4:06 p.m.: The celebration of the Week of the mother and child will begin on October 16. Various events are planned including free immunization clinics 

October 5, 2011 – 3:58 p.m.: The platform UDR announced that they will meet before offering a list of names for the post of Prime Minister 

October 5, 2011 – 15:45: Jean Victor Robson revealed that a cancellation date of the receipt of creating the collective leadership of the Arema aired 

October 5, 2011 – 3:37 p.m.: The TSA has been in the agenda of the meeting this morning Ambohitsirohitra 

October 5, 2011 – 15:30: The Madagascar Karate Championship held this weekend in Toliara saw the dominance of regional league Analamanga. Of the 18 categories contested, the Antananarivo have won 16 medals, including seven of gold. 

October 5, 2011 – 15:20: Ricky and Olombelo Rija, musician Eric Manana, will offer a duet tomorrow Tahala Rarihasina. Farez, percussion and Hery Zanaray Mahefasoa Mijoha and will also be part of 

October 5, 2011 – 3:13 p.m.: Teachers out There are 2800. Yet the department can not ensure that the recruitment of 2,000 of them and those from other courses because of budget, while the positions of power are in excess of 10,000 

October 5, 2011 – 3:06 p.m.: Journalists yesterday after a training and information on climate change with the program how to adapt to sustainable development and prospects of the Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention onclimate change in Durban in December 

October 5, 2011 – 2:59 p.m.: Lanto Rakotomavo TGV party said they have not yet decided whether they would submit a list for the prime minister, but will first look at the roadmap on the possibility or not 

October 5, 2011 – 2:52 p.m.: In the case of seizure of tourmalines, the member of the CST after his hearing was granted a temporary release while his driver was placed in custody. Note that the hearing of 6 Guinean continued today in Antsirabe 

October 5, 2011 – 2:42 p.m.: Adolphe Ramasy entities signed the pact said the Republican proposals from meetings Ambohitsirohitra will still be subject to the Troika 

October 5, 2011 – 2:35 p.m.: Manandafy Rakotonirina said this morning that the meeting participants to Ambohitsirohitra are “fully accountable” 

October 5, 2011 – 2:28 p.m.: Review final medals won by athletes to Malagasy Xth Maputo All Africa Games: 4 with 1 silver and 3 bronze 

October 5, 2011 – 2:21 p.m.: After a successful first exhibition in the AFT in August, the Italian painter Giuseppe De Rossi has his work currently Sodim Andraharo and until October 20 

October 5, 2011 – 2:13 p.m.: Territories and other partners to encourage young people to drop their record to benefit from the project Trano Mora 

October 5, 2011 – 2:06 p.m.: The president of the breakaway expressed his fear that “outsiders are behind the student movement against the UCLP” 

October 5, 2011 – 1:57 p.m.: Madagascar attend the International Summit on Tourism to be held in Seoul from 08 to 14 October. The delegation will be headed by Minister of Tourism 

October 5, 2011 – 1:49 p.m.: The exhibition dedicated to higher education organized by Madajeune opened today and runs until October 7 at the gym Ankorondrano covered. 10,000 visitors are expected 

October 5, 2011 – 1:41 p.m.: On the occasion of World Day for Teachers, a national council of teachers will be held today. The Minister of Education announced that the teachers’ union and the department are currently partners 

October 5, 2011 – 1:34 p.m.: The filming of the show Donnavventura in the Big Island was completed late last week, the team said he was satisfied with their stay 

October 5, 2011 – 1:25 p.m.: The Madagascar tennis championships in all categories and veterans began on the courts of Ambohitsaina Monday. In all, there are 159 players competing 

October 5, 2011 – 1:17 p.m.: “Be Gilita” tonight from 19:30 at CC Esca with Dama, Eric Manana, Fara Gloum, Bebey, etc. Tselonina 

October 5, 2011 – 13:10: Minister of Education reiterated that the school kits could be delivered only after the donors have recovered the car in the hands of the TSA 

October 5, 2011 – 1:02 p.m.: Minister of State in charge of relations with the institutions said today that the government was prepared to file his resignation as stipulated in the roadmap 

October 5, 2011 – 24:55: The party Fanerenana estimated that the number of Ministers of the next government and it is maintained as part of the austerity policy 

October 5, 2011 – 12:47: The Desire Ramakavelo gal said about the number of parliamentary set at 470 that “the search for seats by politicians is exaggerated.” It proposes that members receive only a “sessional allowance” 

October 5, 2011 – 24:40: The movement Zafy Albert said they will not present a list of names candidate for Prime Minister before the coming of the SADC. Manoro Regis said that what came out of the meeting Ambohitsirohitra are still only proposals 

October 5, 2011 – 12:33: The DG Jirama explained that the power failure that has plagued the city since last night is due to a fuel supply problem. Indeed, the company responsible for this supply has not been delivered on time 

October 5, 2011 – 24:26: Madagascar will host the knock-out stages of the Confederation of African Rugby Pool B in the month of June 2012 

October 5, 2011 – 12:19: Opening date of the photo exhibition of Laurent Le Gac called “An island so mysterious” at IFM and will run until October 22 

October 5, 2011 – 12:12: Randriazanakolona Yvon said Sareraka told our colleagues Midi Madagasikara he was about to turn to return the 4×4 

October 5, 2011 – 12:01 Emmanuel Rakotovahiny Albert Zafy of movement on the total number of 470 parliamentarians proposed meetings to Ambohitsirohitra expressed indignation “I consider that this figure is indecent, an insult to the Malagasy,” while adding that “our action is to rehabilitate the country, not the other way” 

October 5, 2011 – 11:04: The daily Ao Raha, the representative of the SADC in Madagascar would have told the delegation that the Troika would land in our city in mid October 

October 5, 2011 – 10:57: The President of the Ceni said there was no intention to expand its institution in contrast to CT and CST is not the policy he said 

October 5, 2011 – 10:50: 10 operators working in the agricultural sector represent Madagascar at the Agribusiness Forum to be held in Johannesburg from 16 to 19 October. They will also have the opportunity to present their projects 

October 5, 2011 – 10:43: Students from different faculties of the University of Ankatso demanding payment of their scholarships and that the new rates announced by the inscriptions are applied NDT 

October 5, 2011 – 10:31: The Championship Handball Senior Madagascar Antsiranana in the women saw the coronation of AS Saint-Michel after their coronation Sunday while in men, Amparibe team returns to the title after 2 years sabbatical 

October 5, 2011 – 10:23: Program Madajazzcar date of the festival:-16h: Concert with the IFM noJazz (France)-19h: Concert with the AFT Fanja Andriamanantena (Madagascar) with the first part: Tana Jazz Band (Madagascar)-20h: “Jazz ‘n Blues” in Sakamanga with: Voahirana Andriambelo & Vaconaka (Madagascar)-21h: Soirée Cabaret at the Café de la Gare Soarano with Jahleky (Madagascar) 

October 5, 2011 – 10:15: Professor Raymond Ranjeva met yesterday with members of the chancery to Ekar Faravohitra 

October 5, 2011 – 10:08: Exchange rates: 1 euro = 2782.79 Ariary; $ 1 = MGA 2102.25 

October 5, 2011 – 10:00: A translation into Malagasy roadmap signed September 16 has been published 

October 5, 2011 – 9:53: The CFA led by Sarah Georget Rabeharisoa met yesterday with members of the Ravalomanana 

October 5, 2011 – 9:44: Professor Albert Zafy in a letter dated October 3 entitled “appeal to the people of Madagascar (Malagasy and foreign)” reiterated his “opposition to the occupation by Andry Rajoelina Nirina a position in any of the executive transition. ” He also recalls the accusations he has previously set out in Magro. this letter was addressed to the international community, armed forces and civil society 

October 5, 2011 – 9:35: The signatories of the Roadmap from that date list of three names from which the president of the HAT will choose the Prime Minister 

October 5, 2011 – 9:29: Several parts of the capital last night without electricity, some of which coupled with a cut of the water.We await the explanations of the Jirama.

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