Hungarian Entrepreneurs: Go to North Africa!

North Africa, Budapest – Building connections after the Revolutions, strengthening business cooperation – these are the aims of the newly created North African Trade Department of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry.



There is a consensus among the Hungarian economic policymakers and the specialized departments of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) that this new department is badly needed. Dr. Zoltán Kiss, Deputy President of BCCI, has mentioned this in his welcoming speech and noted that the aim of the North African Trade Department is to strengthen the business relationships and to enhance the trade development between the region and Hungary. As far the specific tasks are concerned, they include the continuous monitoring of the participants’ business behaviour, representing and protecting the general and common business interests of the members pursuing economic and trade activity, strengthening the participation at trainings and follow-up trainings, organizing accredited trainings and maintaining professional relationships and cooperation.


At the founding meeting, the participants have accepted the Organization and Operation By-laws, elected Ms. Helga Szabó as President, Mr. József Bethlen as Deputy-President and Mr. Sándor Balogh as advisor.


Ms. Helga Szabó has expressed her thanks for the confidence placed in her and detailed the goals and the most important tasks of the Trade Department. She has emphasized the traditionally good relations with the countries of the region. She has added, however, that those should be developed by applying substantially more modern methods. The Trade Department will provide all the help it can for the companies planning to be active in the region from Egypt to Morocco.


Mr. Adnene Damergi, the Minister Plenipotentiary of the Hungarian Embassy of Tunisia and the honorary guest of the meeting has observed that it is very important that the North African Trade Department was established in a period of historical importance, when the countries of the region are building democratic systems after the revolutions. He has also welcomed that a similar organization is being created in Hungary with Tunisia modeled after the Morocco–Hungarian Business Council, which, together with the Chamber, can help the economic cooperation very effectively. The Minister Plenipotentiary has encouraged the Hungarian companies to participate at international exhibitions and fairs in Tunisia in large numbers.


The representatives of the member companies have emphasized their high expectations for the activity of the Trade Department, especially in finding new business potentials, developing inter-company relations and organizing meetings for businessman.


Mr. Gábor Petz, the international director of BCCI has promised to help the presidency and its members companies every way he can.

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