Conference on Africa: challenges without responses?

Mr. Archie Bonka attended the recent summit on Africa held in Budapest. His observation is detailed and straight to the point. Anyone who missed the two-day conference will definitely enjoy his account.

Obviously, the presence of the former Nigerian president and that of the Ugandan delegation boosted the image of the conference summit on Africa held recently at Kiraly Zsigmond College. Tagged “Challenges and responses-Hungary for the success of Africa”, the attendance was impressive due to ACP-EU parliamentary conference which was also held during the week.

Chief Olusegun Obasanjo particularly poured encomium on the organisers for enlightening the public and the Hungarian business community about the potentials of Africa; more so when the summit was not being sponsored by the government. For Obasanjo, such gesture shows how people to people can come together in tackling human challenges.

Obasanjo, a retired army and self-acclaimed farmer, pinpointed that challenges have opportunities henceforth Africa will always welcome those who are genuinely interested in our difficulties to overcome these challenges.

The two-time president of the most populous African country warmed that food, water and energy problem will never be solved without sanitations and waste management because they are inter-related and that if we are armed with what we have today, then our contribution to the world would be enormous. For this to materialise, “we must work hand in hand,” he said.

In his own speech, Mr. Zsolt Bescey, the honourable minister of state for international economic relations made it clear that the current administration foreign policy is base on strong Europe, its immediate neighbours but nevertheless, they are studying ways and means for a pragmatic policy to rekindle the relationship they had with the African continent in the past.

The Uganda delegation led by Mr.Hajji Hassana Nakabaale, a special adviser to current Uganda administration, introduced his country with its various opportunities to investors especially the Hungarian business communities. Nakabaale stressed that research and development sectors are the most priority areas for Uganda and Africa.

Human factor was cited by a Szent Istvan university professor as some of the challenges especially the nomads who always tramp on farms thereby prompting serious conflicts for rural dwellers. He also blamed policy makers for not tapping the vast knowledge of the local farmers in agriculture before implementing their policies for agricultural development.

Meanwhile, various Hungarian companies used the forum to present themselves like pedlars in historical costumes loudly hawking traditional goods without connection with the theme of the discourse.

Thus the first day came to an end without much response as most of the speakers left immediately after their presentation.

On the second day, Mr.Zoltan Kiss, the vice president of Budapest chamber of commerce talked about the progress trade relationship they have cultivated so far with the North African countries especially Morocco; and in the southern Africa with South Africa.

Again Obasanjo dominated the forum with a key note address stressing on the purpose of the conference, saying it will go a long way in strengthening the relationship between Africa and Hungary especially Europeans and Africans looking for areas of interest. He added that if it is carefully exploited would benefit both parties.

When asked about the continent’s challenges and its difficulties, Obasanjo responded that he always had sober reflections, but that the bottom line is Africa is not a basket case. He also dwelt on most of the topics he had earlier talked about with more emphasis on energy and water, which he believed would help Africa produce 50% of world food production. Slave trade, colonisation, and exploitation have had tremendous impact on Africa’s development, he reasoned.

More importantly, he believed a lot of lessons have been learnt therefore Africans are putting the past behind them in order to move forward.


On the fear of the Chinese on the continent, he stated that nobody should fear China’s trade prowess, for the moment they pass their limitations it is the end of their stay in Nigeria. He continued by advising Hungarians not to worry about big players on the African continent rather they should let their presence be felt, because medium is beautiful.
In particular, the Ota farmer said his attention is focused on Hungarian education which he described as good as well as competitive. He answered questions about Congo, Nigeria and Hungary and when African News Hungary representative asked him about the failed Operation Feed the Nation (OFN) in Nigeria in the 70’s and the Operation Feed Yourself programmes in Ghana, he referred him to the graveyards of abandon programmes across the African continent to see for himself.


Obasanjo then lamented on many projects that were allowed to die due to discontinuity of successive administrations. “Some of the projects had been partly paid resulting to wasted tax payers money,” he said.

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