The African – Hungarian Association warns goodwill donators

More and more damaged people appeal to the African-Hungarian Association. They complain about the swindlers misleading them and exploiting their goodwill donation. The people from whom Third World criminals had extorted sums of money between 200 and 2000 Euros for such and such argument have already suffered several Euros loss. The African-Hungarian Association draws the attention of people willing to aid that they should never send money to those countries and had better contact humanitarian organizations. They take charge of the aids for the concerned areas and send the assistance to those who are really in need.

Third World criminals find their future victims in the data base of different public pages. They ask sums varying between 200 and 2000 Euros. They extort money from goodwill people for the most diverse arguments. More and more people fall into the trap in Hungary.

Although there are no precise figures, about a dozen of people have already reported their loss.

Here is the example of the job offer found on a public page for a sport manager. The condition was to transfer a few hundreds of Euros before signing the deal. The goodwill person sent the money but he became not at all that trainer. In another case, swindlers made use of the passion a damaged person had for parrots. An African family sent a message through public pages that they have a rare parrot for sale since the head of the family has died and otherwise they can’t afford the funeral expenses. The Hungarian family sent the money and been waiting in vain for the parrot that never arrived.

There are also frequent cases of young women roughly handled in refugee camps searching protectors or saviours and would be grateful to marry them.

Sándor Balogh, President of the African-Hungarian Association, draws the attention of goodwill donators that they should never send money under no circumstances for that kind of requests or other since swindlers are in the background of most cases. The President of the Association added that those who want to aid had better contact the specialized organizations. The humanitarian institutions which have vast relations at their disposal are totally reliable. With their help, generous people’s gifts reach those who are really in need.

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