Brother Leader Muammar Al-Gaddafi speaks to the participants in the historical conference of African migrants in Europe

After the words of the participants from African migrants in the morning session for the Historical Conference of African migrants in Europe, spoke the leader in this conference calling in the beginning of his speech the participants in the event to stand in a minute of silence to tribute the spirit of the great African freedom fighter “Patrice Lumumba” in the memory of the fiftieth anniversary for his assassination, which coincides with today.

The Leader pointed to the funeral that he has organized in such a day fifty years ago in Sabah Central School, with raising a coffin stained with blood in the funeral mourning for the spirit of “Lumumba” and paying tribute to him… He confirmed that we have been impressed and pained at the time which indicates that the our Africa is not acquired and not the result of evolution in political or geographical awareness, but rather indicates that Africa is in our blood and our lives before we become aware of politics, economy, geography and before we know at that early age where is the Congo on a map.

The Leader confirmed in his speech that whenever we meet the Africans in Diaspora whether in North, South America or in Europe we assure to the world our tragedy during the colonial era which is unprecedented in human history…Indicating that the presence of the Palestinians everywhere now confirms the tragedy of the Palestinian people because their land was occupied and was expelled and dispersed in all t. he parts of the world.

The Leader expressed in words his affection by the commitments that Africans made during this meeting with their various segments which represent the cultural, scientific, geographic cases of Africa and expressed the need for emphasizing the liberation and consolidation of Africa and the establishment of the United States of Africa, noting that they will be responsible for these commitments which their implementation will be followed up on an ongoing basis.

The Leader cleared in his speech that the Africans reached a degree of awareness and understanding to their tragic history, the nature and ethics of the colonists… He expressed his belief that they now will ignore this stage of African awareness and the evolution of the world and are practicing the old ways on the Africans, ignoring Africa and this awareness and force… Stressing that the confrontation with them will be difficult and is not in their favor.

The Leader reviewed the great African presence which extends today in Europe, in North and South America and the presence of millions of Africans as citizens in an entire country in South America… He added that this makes the Africans, however un-isolated and their arms and hands reaches the oceans as well as communities in each European country which will not allow them from now on to treat the African people as lower class.

The Leader confirmed that the Africans do not ask but to live with dignity in Europe and to have influence in forming the European governments… Calling on the African migrants in Europe to organize their experiences in records to decide whether they want to succeed or to drop the elected party or President, to succeed or fail.

The Leader also called on the African migrants in Europe to establish a strong bond between Africa and Europe and the need to have their presence felt, considered and active which depends on them by the implementation of the commitments they have made within their words and speeches at this meeting.

Source: AHU Irambo

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