Wedding gift to Africa


Boglárka Bolya and her fiancé, Rodrigo Ballester will hold their wedding on the 24th of July in Budapest. The African-Hungarian Union (AHU) is waiting for the event excitedly as the generous pair asked the 150 guests to give the money they would spend on wedding gifts to one of three organizations of their choice.

The pair named three organizations – the SAUCE, the FUNCAS foundation and the African-Hungarian Union – which try to help poor people.

Our organization was able to make an interview with the bride.

AHU: How did it come to you to donate the money spent on your wedding gifts to Africa?

Boglárka: We are very grateful because me and my husband could find each other, we have a healthy, happy daughter (1 year old) and good jobs. Because of that we thought that we should help the ones who truly need it. Since the birth of my daughter I have become very sensitive to the suffering of children, no matter whether the suffering is caused physically or mentally, and because of that I would like to do everything I can to free them of their pain.

AHU: Why did you specifically choose these organizations?   

Boglárka: We wanted to choose organizations that we know about (or ones that our relatives recommended) in order to assure that the money gets to the ones it was supposed to get to. One of my friends who worked at the Parliament’s Development Committee recommended your organization, saying that you work on the ‘field’.

AHU: Have you ever been to Africa?   

Boglárka: Unfortunately we have never been to Africa before. Naturally we are aware of the fact that there is poverty and a need to help, the sick and starving children, alongside the orphans but because we did not want to give small donations, we ‘only’ named three organizations (the other two are from Ecuador and from Cambodia) we know.

AHU: When and how did you meet each other?

Boglárka: We met each other at our workplace (European Parliament) so I cannot tell you any romantic stories.

AHU: Where will you spend the honeymoon?

Boglárka: As we have only one week we cannot go far so we are going to stay in Europe, we are going to spend our honeymoon in Puglia province, South-Italy.

AHU: What will the wedding dress look like?

Boglárka: The wedding dress is classical, elegant, simple, in the color of ecru.

Thank you for the generous offer! Congratulations to the happy couple!

We wish you a lot of happiness!


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