The 6th mission has arrived home!

The 6th medical mission of the African – Hungarian Union (AHU) has arrived home on the 2nd of July at 12 am. Dr. Anna Jakkel, Dr. Imre Kis and Éva Keresztes had been working for a month in the West-African country, Mali.


At the airport the members of the mission were welcomed by families, representatives of the media, employees of the AHU and Mariann Falusi Hungarian singer who supports the activities of the AHU.

6. orvoscsoport hazatérése from Afrimázs/Afrimage on Vimeo.

The volunteers provided free health care for nearly 1700 people and gave them remedies. Two members of the AHU, Kriszta Kasza and Csaba Sélley, also helped the mission.

The most common illnesses in the area: malaria, parasites, gynecological problems, AIDS, diarrhea, fever and cough.

The African – Hungarian Union is very grateful for the devoted work of the members of the mission. We hope that we can continue to help a lot of other African people so we are waiting for more volunteers who are interested in this program.

Kiss Virág, Szűcs Anna – AHU

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