Ivory Coast: Judge Rejects Request in Toxic Waste Case

About $45 million intended to compensate 30,000 victims of a toxic waste dumping scandal in Ivory Coast will not be diverted to a self-appointed community representative, a judge in Abidjan ruled Friday.

The sludge was dumped in and around Abidjan in 2006 by the international commodities trading firm Trafigura; over 100,000 people sought treatment and 15 died. A recent United Nations report said there was “strong prima facie evidence that the reported deaths and adverse health consequences are related to the dumping of the waste.” In recent weeks, a man claiming to represent the victims, Claude Gohourou, sought to divert the money to his organization; lawyers for the victims dismissed his claim as false. On Friday, Judge Antoine Blé ruled that the money should remain in the lawyers’ account.

Source: Africa World News


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