According to the Mutare based Centre for Research and Development, soldiers based in Chiadzwa kidnapped, tortured and murdered an apparent ‘illegal’ diamond panner over a week ago. The man, Moreblessing Tirivangani from Harare died on Sunday 6th September after he was apparently beaten by soldiers throughout the previous night. The Centre for Research and Development has reported that police, who transported Tirivangani’s body to the Mutare General Hospital Mortuary, were ordered to report that Tirivangani ‘had tried to disarm a soldier.’
"This is highly untrue given that soldiers always move around in pairs or more. Also given the general fear among the people with regard to soldiers, it is very unthinkable that a civilian can try to disarm a soldier in a highly militarised zone like Chiadzwa," the Centre reported.
The Mutare based organization also reported there was evidence that Tirivangani had been tortured, with multiple bruising in stripe patterns across his body, and a plastic covering over his nose.
Source: Allafrica