Bathing in Uganda’s magic water

Children sat naked comfortably on wet stones close to their half naked mothers. Unperturbed by the stares around, women left their flapped breasts dangle out naked, suspending right from their chests to stomachs as if they were paper bags holding water. Only wet see-through –half slips tightly gripped their buttocks and private parts as men in only underpants sat amidst them.

They all kept soaking their feet in warm water as they splashed the same water that seemed to be flowing right from stones all over their bodies.

A way from the spring, goats and cattle graze as a man with most likely his wife and three children weeded a garden of millet a few meters away unbothered. “Kitagata hot spring, the spring we studied about in high school,” I recalled.

We had originally traveled to Kitagata Sub County in the southwestern district of Bushenyi to attend a burial ceremony of one of our friend’s kid. Thanks to the teacher who taught “summary” to the reverend who led the burial ceremony. The ceremony was as brief as the word sounds. Since we had hired the taxi driver for eight hours, we had at least two hours to fritter away after burial before our eight hours are completed.

“Kitagata hot spring now,” I guess is what came onto most of our hearts exactly after the reverend pronounced the burial ceremony closed. There was no negotiation on this deal. The five males and seven females, that comprised our delegation, of course including the driver of the minibus we had hired left for the much-talked about Kitagata hot spring.

As we drove to the spring, our driver whose appearance manifested a person in the evening hours of his life narrated to us stories of how Ankole kingdom’s kings used to bathe in this hot spring naked during the colonial times, as their subjects watched.

Source: Allafrica


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