Every nation has to go through its own social evolution phase. Although not all nations can reach this without difficulties on the road of catching up. Lots of people have to face prejudice, belitting treatment or brutal manifestations.
Today when our world is joined together, our differencies become more obvious. We face these differencies in every aspect let it be skin color, cultural or religious, the reaction given to this will qualify the majority society. Racial indifferencies will propagate preconcieved ideas which lead to radical actions. Faults are found in colored people, foreigners are mistreated and roma families and innocent children are slaughtered. Racist atrocities and crimes against humanity which have been commited lately indicate that there are destructive and withdrawing forces which we have to put and end to.
The African-Hungarian Union condemns all racial, religious discriminations, fights for the acceptance of all dissimilarities and takes part in every manifestation which prevents preconception between people.
Our foreign activities as sending doctors into the African war zones and our humanitarian missions are overshadowed by the crimes committed on the basis of prejudices in our own homeland.