Algeria dismisses monk killing allegation

Algeria’s interior minister has dismissed allegations by a retired French general that the Algerian army mistakenly killed seven French monks during Algeria’s insurgency of the 1990s. Noureddine Zerhouni says the accusation is unfounded and is an internal French affair, without elaborating.

The kidnapping, killing and beheading of the Trappist monks in 1996 came amid violence that gripped Algeria for a decade. Islamist militants had been blamed.

Retired Gen. Francois Buchwalter, who worked at the French Embassy in Algiers, told a Paris judge in June he believed the monks were killed by an Algerian helicopter unit.

Zerhouni’s comment in Algerian newspapers Monday was the first official Algerian response to the accusation.



Edited by: AHU – Gyula Balázs Kisvárdai


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