Maker Faire is coming to Africa

In less than a month Maker Faire Africa will see the light. It should be a celebration of African ingenuity, innovation and invention. The event is free to the public. Six questions to one of the initiators of this event, Nii Simmonds. “We want to see what happens when you put the drivers of ingenious concepts from all over Africa together.”

What is Maker Faire Africa?
Nii Simmonds: "It is an event in
Accra, Ghana. So called ‘makers’ will show their inventions, products or ideas to a large crowd of people. The event will take place August 14-16 at the Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT." 

What do you look forward to most?
"Showing African ingenuity and invention. I hope to see collaboration between people with different skills. The Maker Faire Africa will be a marketplace where all kinds of people come to showcase their work. We want to see what happens when you put the drivers of ingenious concepts from all over
Africa together."  

Can you give us an example of a ‘maker’ you’re happy who is able to show his work?
"We as organizers received many interesting emails and calls of people who are going to show great stuff. We will organize a town hall type of interview with William Kamkwamba fro

m Malawi. He is a self made men and made an electric windmill from scratch. He will share his experience with the people. There is another potential individual from Nigerua, who has an ingenious way to preserve food using a clay-mold tehcnique. He invented a special pot so you can preserve food for 30 days, without using a refrigerator."

How many people do you expect to attend?

"1200 – 2000 people."

When will the Maker Faire Africa be a success?
"It is the first time we organize this, so at first we are already happy when lot’s of makers are able to showcase their work. But of course, we also hope to create a certain energizing atmosphere of like minded people. I hope the Maker Faire Africa can become a place where collaboration between different people takes place and lead to taking things to a next level."

Will we see the Maker Fair in other African countries in the future?
"Yes, that is the plan. It will be an annual event, each year in a different country. Next year probably in East-Africa.
Other plans we are developing, is the start of a fellowship programme and the start of a sister company, in the near future to be found on It will utilize micro finance as a mechanism to fund innovative solutions that can be scaled to the marketplace and hopefully generate jobs."


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