Hungarian Trade and Cultural Centers are opening in Asia

Hungary, Budapest – In several Asian countries Hungarian Trade and Cultural Centers (HTCC) will be opened in the near future. Mr. Sándor Balogh, Vice-president of the Hungarian Asia Society (ASHU) said that besides the “Hungarian Houses” having been opened in Morocco a month ago and in Ghana two weeks ago, they would like to open towards Asia as well, thus planning openings in Baku and Hanoi in 2013.  

  It was the economic crisis of recent years that called the attention of entrepreneurs, as well as members of the government that there are continents outside Europe, which are developing fast and it is easy to make business there, so it would be ideal to conquer these markets again. We are trying to contribute to all this with the help of these Hungarian Houses, so entrepreneurs who have been out of foreign trade could start conquering the markets from a domestic environment, an “incubator”, said Mr. Balogh.

  Our oldest and widest relationships are in Morocco, so it was logical to open the first HTCC in Rabat. Naturally we are talking not just about Africa, however, as our relationships are stronger there than in other continents, we have started there. But we are negotiating in Hanoi and Baku, as well as in Bogotá and Lima. What we can already see is that by the end of June there will have been 3 more HTCC units in our network and by the end of 2014, hopefully, a system consisting of 15 units will have encompassed the World, said the president of ASHU then added: the main message of Hungarian Trade and Cultural Centers is that they want to build up tiny Hungaries in these parts of the world and markets; these centers could be the citadels of Hungarian culture, arts and knowledge too. 

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